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The story without me, I wondered what that would've looked like, would this world be a fantasy I was outside of and be able to read?

Maybe someday, I'll see it from such a perspective, at a viewpoint like that.

My fables stirring, coins being accumulated, I was in deep slumber as they were preparing my body.

The fact I could still fight and kill executioners as well was because...

[Avatars Left: 4]

[Extra Lives: 0]

[Memory: 80%]

I had exchanged in place of fables, instead of my stories, my memories.

[Your Fate Has Been Realized.]

Even though that message wasn't completed long ago, there was probably still more to it.

If I didn't hurry, the urgency to do a thing like that...I did always have such a dream.

(LT)-To not be alone.

Though, was there a wish I really wanted to be granted?

(LT)-I don't want to die.

I don't think that was it either at all.

(LT)-Don't take away everything from me...

Why was I thinking such stuff when I was...

(LT)-...Oh, I'm...

I've always been afraid, I wonder why I didn't notice that till now, but I kept killing myself over and over again without much thinking or explanation.

I didn't even need the reasoning in the slightest to do something like that.

What I truly wanted, was to know what was beyond death, unlike this fake world.

What was death like?

Would I still be able to see things and think like this after dying?

Could there be nothing after death though?

Just like right now, just all this darkness, unable to see anything as if I was blind.

Was that death?


I didn't even have a good memory.

I can't picture images, but I could project them.

There are times when people say they don't think, there thoughts just shut down.