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(HSY)-Now I see why...she's like that.

Glancing over at Alice who was 'calmly' staring up at the sky as I simply observed her.

(HSY)-And Kim Dokja...

He should be worrying on the next scenario, or perhaps having a plan or ideas in the making as of currently.

"Hey! You just came out of Hyung's room, right?" The girl known as Shin Yoosung stood before me with a calm attitude, that must've been from...

"So what if I did?" I asked, presenting the question to see her reaction to it.

"...Is he okay?"


"He is." I answered her before moving on, goodness...this really wasn't like me.


"Why I lied to Takuira in episode 101?" The collector of stories spoke to me with a smile, "Well, you know I didn't lie fully, author-nim."

My long black hair floating downward, my eyes tiredly staring at the brown haired boy with marvelous blue eyes.

"I think..." I began to utter before getting interrupted by the talkative librarian, "I believe it is well due time to make them meet, don't you think so?" It wasn't me he was directing this at...but rather...


[*F I N E .*]


A memory of the past...something that haunted me.

"Callen..." I uttered her name while falling down the cliff, off into the bottomless sea, a huge wave of a splash...and then my eyes fluttered a close as I sunk deeper...


"Hey, kiddo." A deep feminine voice was speaking, I felt soaked as the sun's warmth drowned on me, my eyes would soon open...to a lady with scarlet hair and green eyes.

"Ah, he's awake!" The lady would say as the other travelers on broad stared at me, though, my mind was in a current state of peril due to have been abandoned by Callen and the mission failed.

I was...betrayed, and I had thought I had died...but it turns out, I survived.

"So, I'm O-ne-tsu-byo, but you can call me Beyo." She extended a hand towards me, I reached out for it...and...



My mother was staring down at me solemnly as I laid in bed, I was awake now, what had happened...?

"You're still in a critical condition, don't be moving around so much." Mother reprimanded me, turning her head towards her right which was my left as there stood many people.