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"...Great..." I sighed, it seems Huiwon was...

"Dokja?" Huiwon said with a surprised expression as she waved at me, I really can't believe she was with my mother...

(KIM DOKJA)-This is giving me a headache...

"Leon's doing well if you wanted to know." I mentioned which Huiwon's expression brightened up even more

"Really? Wait." Huiwon stopped herself with a serious look in her eyes as I waited for her to say something, she also had a new outfit and kept the...

(KIM DOKJA)-...Wasn't that a scythe and not dual swords last time...?


(HUIWON JEONG)-So...Leon's okay...

[As it seems...] The ego weapon spoke inside of my head, it had awakened around this time, it almost matched up pretty well with me.

"Is there anything else I should know about, Dokja?" I asked him, in which he seemed to be thinking about something.

(HUIWON JEONG)-...He's always like that, not telling me anything...and....

The thought of it made me feel...guilty, at least Leon was.............

(HUIWON JEONG)-It feels as if...I can't think for myself sometimes...


(HUIWON JEONG)-Hm...? At this point...why not, Leon might be there, who knows if he'll give me some answers or not.


"Joonghyuk." I called out to him, he was being crazy, awakening a catastrophe?

(LEON TAKUIRA)-The catastrophe of floods no less...I mean, I planned to awaken her sometime later, but...

"...I'm busy." Was his only reply which made me a bit pissed off, was this what he responds with after we haven't seen each other for a few days?

(LEON TAKUIRA)-This sunfish really wants it now-

"You're like a oyster, you know that?" Joonghyuk mentioned, (Skip this if you want if you don't want to learn about Leon Takuira. Oyster represents: Strength, toughness, formidable, adjusting under a harsh exterior. Keeping  your emotions and individuality within yourself at all times. Stand up to stress and external forces. It also demonstrates how you can defend yourself whenever various things appear to be attacking you. Also shows peace and harmony. In other words, you are a peaceful and quiet person, consistently nonviolent, and do not exploit others. Even though the waters around you are turbulent, you don't become a part of the stress. Instead, keeps calm. Makes negative situations into positive ones. Typically self-protective. Hardly let down their guard, but only with those they know and trust well. It is also difficult for these folks to express their emotions.)

"...And you're still a damn sunfish." I argued back which seemed to make Joonghyuk flinch a bit, I had noticed he didn't have Yoo Mia, his sister by his side.

(LEON TAKUIRA)-Probably with Jihye then...I can imagine why he has Lee Seolhwa right next to him.

Yoosung was still sticking next to me, I had a feeling that Joonghyuk probably already knew who this was.


"Joonghyuk, can I tell you something, just is two alone." I spoke in a calm manner, Yoo Joonghyuk's eyes widened as he looked at me with shock as I walked towards him.


(KIM DOKJA)-Now that I think about it...

I wonder when I had began pondering to myself while we were trying to get to the center of Seoul, Leon had ruined many of my plans as well, switching the situation to his favor while I still somewhat benefited from it.

(KIM DOKJA)-...The best term to describe Leon would be...a oyster. A really cunning oyster.

But still, I'm glad Leon was the one taking care of her considering that from all the people I met have said...

(KIM DOKJA)-...Am I really that ugly...?

I don't believe Leon had said anything about my appearance, though I think he was just trying his best not to make the situation awkward...

"Oh, there they are." Huiwon informed me, Gilyoung and Donghoon were waiting at a broken bridge as I waved at them.

"Hyung!" Gilyoung shouted while waving back, I wonder how things will turn out from here on...


"...Stop lying." I gritted my teeth, Leon's eyes were looking straight into mine that azure glow that would notify me of something that...

"...But it's true, or would it benefit you more to not believe it?" Leon spoke in a emotionless tone, his face giving a cold look as his eyes were in...

(YOO JOONGHYUK)-No, that can't be...

"What do you mean by that? During the 9th scenario...don't you mean you'll..." My words trailing off, a heavy feeling in my heart, I have felt this many times before...but it hurt more when I saw him saying that to me himself without a care or hint of worry or any emotion.

"Why would you go that far?" I asked with anger, concern showing on my face along with confusion, he was...

"...You wanted to wake her up...right? I'll do it myself, I'll prepare and take the consequences, so just stay back while I'm still asking nicely." Leon advised, a glare coming from him that showed no sigh of backing down, I knew I wouldn't be able to win against him...but I didn't have a choice but to fight.

"...I won't allow you." I said with finality, raising my sword, my eyes full of determination.

If he died...I would kill him...and then...

"...I don't have a choice you know, I wanted to tell you this because..." Leon said with a smile, that smile was...not a fake expression, it was full of grief and regret and...hatred.

(LEON TAKUIRA)-Joonghyuk...I'm nothing more than a...FREAK.