[1] Regular at the Wheel of Reincarnation

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Chapter 1: Regular at the Wheel of Reincarnation

There are three ways to kill a reincarnator.


Given that I have been reborn once again, I am unsure how much of that claim is true.

[The Order of the Crimson Abyss], the faction that bested me this time around, took pride in their knowledge of these three methods. Considering they did possess the ability to put me down once and for all, I feared it was the end when I was about to lose my life.

Yet, of course, this great venerable one has outwitted death once more. Throughout all of heaven and earth, who dares to try and kill me?


Perhaps I should learn to change my internal monologues' pattern a bit, since it may be unfit for the modern world I was reborn into. Which in itself was pretty exciting. Which in itself was pretty damn exciting.

Anyhow, back to the point. There are three ways to kill a reincarnator such as myself.

First, the most obvious one. To Soul-Kill them. As in, to destroy the soul completely.

The Order had tried that as I was just about to pass away, but it clearly hadn't worked. Whatever technique they used to try and destroy my soul, it was far too weak to erase me.

Second, to destroy all their memories. Not the ones stored in their brain, but their soul. So if the soul kill process fails, the target won't have any memories or sense of self left to know that they're a reincarnator.

There was a clear drawback to this path, as the reincarnator wasn't technically dead, and would continue reincarnating. Though some philosophers argued that without the memory, the reincarnator would just be a different person altogether? In that sense, this method made sense.

Third, third... I don't remember?

I paled. What? Dammit.

Despite my arrogance, it seems the Order's second tactic worked to a certain degree, enough that I don't remember the third method they used. Yes, the Order had tried all three of their methods on me, they truly wanted me dead, and two of them may just have worked.

The process of the three ways was actually done in reverse, I recall that much. First they defeated me with an overwhelming number of Cultivators and Sorcerors alike, and then they tried the third method on me. Then they used their second, to erase my memories. Then, lastly, they tried to erase my soul, which caused me to spring into another reincarnation.

Though perhaps... I received more damage than I believed I did. No, it wasn't just two of those tactics that worked, all three did – though seemingly not entirely as they intended, given I was still breathing.

It seems I have lived quite a number of incarnations after dying in the Order's hands without the presence of my memories. Only in this life did I regain my true senses. It was a pity, but I told myself everything turned out fine. I did survive, which makes everything else a minor inconvenience.

It's not good, though. I admit I am a little crazy in my head, living life so many times, making families, only to lose them again, building empires only for them to collapse whilst I won't ever know about them again. Life is... tedious when you live like this, your sanity begins to warp to keep you interested in living. To... not just commit suicide.

All right, let's wrap this up. Let's see how much I remember.

In the beginning, I was a normal human in a normal world where no such thing as mana, chi, chakra, or any other supernatural energy existed. Needless to say, no kind of superpowers existed either. I died at a pretty early age in that world, barely out of my teens, at the tip of the broken bottle of my drunkard of a father, when I tried to stop him from barging into my sister's room. Quite the noble death in my opinion, and perhaps decided by God or whoever else was touched by that, or maybe just by pure luck, I reincarnated in some kind of medieval fantasy world.

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