[141] Congratulatory Honeymoon? Or a Battle More Dangerous?

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Chapter 141: Congratulatory Honeymoon? Or a Battle More Dangerous?

Morning birds chirped overhead as I walked through the school gate with a frown of detachment on my face. Ruby and Tsubasa walked beside me, but they didn't bother me. I was busy thinking, so I appreciated that.

I'm curious. How did they get in here?

It's one thing to get attacked, and another to get jumped so conveniently and abruptly as it happened with me.

Goddess Amaterasu did say that not all of Japan was under the direct dictatorship of Shinto. If not, the devils and fallen angels wouldn't have been camping in Kuoh.

Some land-related god politics were going on here that I wasn't aware of, nor did I care about, that was the cause behind this attack.

Obviously, it wasn't the Shinto Pantheon who let the three Nordic Gods inside their own country to wreak havoc, that'd ruin the entire purpose of Amaterasu telling me about it from earlier.

It couldn't be the devil faction either. This region's devils are Rias and Sona, and the former is too much in her female fantasy romance with me to do something like this. There is a slight chance that it's Sona, but she'd have discussed such a big thing with her big sister first—and Serafall would've had to discuss it with Sirzechs first before proceeding with this since Rias also lives in this area.

I met Sirzechs just half an hour before the attack happened, where he saw my insane potential and power. He practically gave me his sister's hand, he wouldn't have done that if he had set up Gods to assassinate me half an hour later.

Which left only one candidate behind.

The Fallen Angels.

As I had expected back when Sona told me about the Fallen Angel's odd pattern of behavior a few days ago, they have teamed up with the Nordic Gods.

It is such a pity that they didn't try their luck to fight with me besides the Norse. I'd have loved to eradicate their entire ranks last night. Now, they must be scared of me instead. But where will they hide? For how long?

Azazel has made a big mistake this time, and he should be ready to pay for it.

'It seems I need to skip the beginning classes today.' I walked into the school gate, separated from my sister and cousin, and headed to the Occult Research Club.

I found the door closed, knocking as I waited. Footsteps came from the other side and the door opened a moment later; instead of the girls, it was Kiba Yuuto today.

He showed an amicable smile when he saw me, "Ah, Aquamarine-kun. Fancy seeing you here this early, did the President summon you?"

"She didn't," I showed him a polite smile. "But I do have some business with her, as well as the Student Council President. It's about the Fallen Angels, as well as about the Nordic Invaders last night. I'm unsure if you guys know about this."

Kiba blinked and then frowned, "Come in, I'll call the president and bring Sona-san here." I'm glad he was quick-witted on the danger.

* * *

When I finally sat down with Rias, her brother, as well as Sona's sister, joined us in this meeting. As they should—being Satans in charge of this area, it's an insult to have an enemy faction come raid my house right under their nose.

"It's obviously the Fallen Angels," Sona fixed her glasses behind which a frown hid. "Issei-kun from my peerage has been dealing with Azazel of the Fallen Faction for a few months now. Ah, right," she looked at me. "I'm assuming you don't know how we operate. As devils, we take commissions from human patrons to garner demonic energy by completing the tasks."

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