[9] The Silent Star

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Chapter 9: The Silent Star

Despite the change in its name, the Kuoh High School remained a school that was mostly attended by entertainers. Thereafter, the entrance ceremony took a bit of time. It was mainly a speech from the school's principal, where all the new students were gathered inside an auditorium.

"Remember, all of you would be receiving privileges. Some of you here are more famous than others, so the limit of privileges may depend on that – but don't call it unfairness, it's just how the world works. The more famous students amongst you require such extra benefits so that their careers and studies proceed smoothly. In this world of show-biz, you have to understand that and never complain. Additionally..."

Only out of pure willpower did I manage not to yawn. It was somewhat a different sort of speech than a normal school would give in the modern world, where blatant favoritism isn't normal, but I am used to it. Sects in my 9th life did such things more openly than this; unless the Sect Leader was someone particularly strong, those from rich families received everything because he didn't wish to offend any powerful clans.

Though this man in front of us tried to paint the picture in a more student-friendly way than what I am used to, it was all the same. Oh, and from the tint of red aura around him, he seemed to have made a contract with the Devils, understandable given whom the school actually belonged to, so he got no respect from me at all.

I was a lunatic killer in the past, a demon in human skin. Yet, I was a hermit in another life. I can claim to be the most benevolent in the world, and also the most heinous, and I'd be right both times. So no, I don't have any prejudice towards evil, nor respect towards goodwill. I have unknowingly built a morality of my own over time, one which would be seen as hypocritical from an outside perspective, very understandably so, but it is one I follow.

The ceremony soon ended and the Principal dismissed us. I had been standing beside Ruby the entire time, and she'd been trying to whisper something the whole time but hadn't dared speak out of pressure from the situation.

When we finally stepped out of the auditorium and into a spot away from the others, she pulled me to the side finally and asked what was on her mind.

"Hey, why are you unveiled? You're always so nagging about it, yet you unveiled your Qi when we entered the school. Do I do it too?"

"No, leave it be. I am doing it to particularly attract some people, don't worry they're not a danger. You continue enjoying the day as normal."

"Hmmm... Really?"

She gave me a squinted stare but had nothing to say when I just shrugged. Instead, both of us began to look around in search of any familiar faces. Naturally, the school was filled with actors, models, YouTubers, Voice Actors, and all sorts of other entertainers; even if they were young, some of them were recognizable.

"Classes start in 10 minutes, what do we do in the meantime? Ah, I know!" Ruby pondered aloud as she pulled me by hand and began to walk the hallways. "Let's look around more!"

It was about then when she took a turn, and nearly bumped into a person. I managed to pull her back in time to barely stop that, but by then the other party was startled. Not that the older woman reacted much, with just an "Oh-!" she blinked and looked at us.

"Careful kids, no running in the hallways. Ah, wait, it's you. Aquamarine Hoshino, right?" said the woman wearing a large overcoat over her vest-wrapped white skirt.

I instantly recognized her as the teacher who was positioned in the room of my written entrance exam. I didn't get to ask her name, but she sure reacted amused when she saw the name on my paper when I deposited it. Apparently, it was amusing enough that she remembered me.

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