[131] It's Rainy Night

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Chapter 131: It's Rainy Night

The rain danced outside the window, while the wind hit against it now and then; yet the constant drumming sound failed to muffle the sound that was coming from the hotel room.


AI couldn't believe it, even with her arms locked above her head, being pressed by his hand.

'So this... this is really happening...' she let out a moan as she thought.

This was wrong in so many ways, but she wasn't sure if she should care—or believe that. Who defined wrong and rightness to begin with? She hesitated twice already, it was hesitation enough. She didn't reply when he confessed to her, and she lied when he asked her what she wanted.

She had finally made her mind, even if a bit of reluctance remained. She loved him, in more ways than one; she relished in his touch, and she felt jealous when she was physically close with other girls. It was not always the case, it was a new feeling that she only recently felt toward him, after the sense of unfamiliarity she felt from him with the knowledge that he wasn't just her son, but a lot more. These were not good things to feel as a mother, but... she wasn't sure if she should care, after hearing the story he told her. She didn't want to push him away because of a social taboo.

Some excuses did cross her head, such as him not being her son so this was alright, but she didn't want to use such excuses. He was her son, she accepted that, yet she was moaning for him knowing that.

She hoped she wouldn't regret that.

* * *

Ai moaned into my mouth as I held her pressed against the bed, her arms locked above her head with one of my hands.

We claimed each other's lips in a fierce, passionate kiss. My fingers tangled in her soft dry hair, pulling her head closer as I explored every inch of her mouth. Her soft whimpers vibrated against my lips, fueling my desire to possess her entirely.

"A-Aqua..." she moaned my name as my hands wandered her body, while one of my knees rubbed between her clit.

My hand slid down her bare stomach and into the thin strip of hair between her legs, finding her already slick and eager. It's just been a few minutes, yet she was so wet— of course, that was to be expected, she was basically a virgin given she hadn't had any partners in 15 years.

I groaned into the kiss, pressing two of my fingers deeper inside her as she arched her hips off the bed. "Ahang~" she let out a moan, desperate for more contact.

Her taste was addictive, her skin hot and smooth beneath my palms. As much as I craved her body, though, I'd love to hear her admit it too. With one hand still buried deep within her, I cupped her breast roughly through her towel, pinching her nipple hard enough to leave a mark.

"Looks like you really want this," I growl into her ear, thrusting my fingers faster inside her. "Shouldn't have resisted for so long, mother."

"Ohn..." Her breath came in ragged gasps as she shot me a glare, each of her next words forced past her quivering lips. "Brat, you... Hang, quit teasing me..." she said in a soft whisper, even as she bucked her hips harder against my hand. "More..."

With a rough laugh, I ripped the towel off her body, revealing her perfectly sculpted form. She's beautiful, of course she is, she has my genes – so achingly perfect. And right now, she's all mine. I threw the towel aside and knelt between her spread legs, staring at her bottom bubblegum pink lips.

I wanted to take a bite out of that. Before that though, I decided to play with it with my fingers. I caressed her intimate parts, my lips kissing their way upward their neckline, as I sought to bring her pleasure. I listened to her heavy breathing, more than amused at how she struggled to keep her jaw tightly shut to keep her dignity.

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