[30] The Carnival Treat (**)

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Chapter 30: The Carnival Treat (**)

In the heart of Tokyo, where laughter and excitement danced through the air, stood the majestic Ferris Wheel. Its giant frame cast elongated shadows in the fading sunlight, creating an intimate haven for Tsubasa and me. As the world around us spun, our connection deepened in the secluded cocoon of our gondola.

My fingers traced the delicate curve of her back, my touch igniting a trail of fire along her skin. Her lips, soft as rose petals, quivered with pleasure as my own pressed over them. Our eyes locked, and in that shared gaze, the carnival's chaos melted away, leaving only our desires illuminated.

Despite her initial hesitation, her fingers soon explored the contours of my chest, and the hard muscles beneath my shirt tensed with restrained longing. At one point, our breaths synchronized, a rhythm of yearning and surrender from her, while I overpowered her with sheer experience.

The wheel's rhythmic creaks harmonized with the melodies of our heartbeats, adding an almost voyeuristic symphony to our intimate dance.

As the gondola began to drop downwards, our gazes fixated on the world below one last time, a world approaching us. People would be able to see if we got too low, and that'd cause a scene.


"I know."

Tsubasa shared my concern as she pulled away from the kiss briefly to call for me. All I did in response was lean over and kiss her nape, taking a deep breath filled with her scent as I licked her throat.

"I can't stop though, sorry. You're just too delicious."

"Don't say things like that." She said that, but she moaned as my tongue slid around her neck.

My hand slid down the curve of Tsubasa's spine, drawing her closer until our bodies pressed together. The heat of our proximity was intoxicating, a magnetic force pulling us into a realm where nothing else mattered.

In response, she let out a moan and her fingers found solace in my tousled blonde hair, her nails careful to not glaze my scalp, evoking shivers that mingled with the breeze that swept through the gondola. Her caution to not hurt me was so cute that I couldn't resist as our lips met in a kiss that was both fervent and tender, a blend of urgency and affection.

My hand slid along the curve of her hip, the tips of my fingers brushing the edge of her desire, making her gasp into my mouth.


The Ferris Wheel's descent mirrored our own descent into vulnerability, the sense of secrecy between us and the world crumbling with each passing second. My lips journeyed down Tsubasa's neck, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. Her hands traced the lines of my chest, fingers lingering over the rhythmic beat of my heart.

In the shadowy haven of the gondola, our bodies pressed closer, the boundaries of cloth and skin melding into an erotic tapestry of desire. My hands, strong and possessive, roamed her body, mapping every inch of terrain with a hunger that matched the fire in her eyes as if she'd run away if let go.

Her fingers danced along my back, finding muscles where anticipation met ecstasy. Our shared breaths quickened the symphony of pleasure building as the wheel spun us down to light. My lips found Tsubasa's once more, a hungry kiss that spoke of unspoken promises and a connection that transcended the bounds of mere attraction.

Then, we were at the very bottom. I put Tsubasa to her seat quickly and returned to my own. I stared at her, while she stared at the air above my head, her face flushed and her lips quivering still.

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