[186] Hunting in the Devil Territory

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Chapter 186: Hunting in the Devil Territory

Evie Etoulde.

It's a planet where the race of Evie and their enemies Etoulde reside and are currently at war with each other. It's a war that's been going on for thousands of years.

The planet existed in a whole other universe, not just some distant galaxy. That made this an incredible find. Rivezim Livan Lucifer was filled with vigor when he found out about this; when he realized there was a whole new world to conquer and own.

Yet, all of that was stomped upon and tossed afar when someone from another other world visited this planet. Unlike Evie Etoulde which was like a distant land without any way to transport there, this new world had someone capable of traversing between dimensions and universes.

Rivezim was practically drooling when he learned about this.

He sped up his plan of stealing Ophis powers just for this. Because he wanted to steal this foreign Goddess from Indra and his goons. Unfortunately, although he succeeded in diving Ophis' powers, creating a clone from her that was loyal to all his commands, he was a minute too late and his plan was fucked over by that new Demi-God.

According to the rumors, this young fool has been meeting that Goddess in the realm of dreams, with Great Red as a medium. That's why he knew about her. Rizevim was unsure how much of that was true, but it was more probable than the other possibility that he too was from the other world, and had traversed to this world 15 years ago.

That was impossible. Rizevim would have noticed if that was the case, he had eyes on the matter of other worlds for the last few decades, so he would have noticed if a foreign soul were to enter this world. So the first rumor must be true.

So now, the plan came down to stealing the Goddess from that young Demi-God and using that foreign Goddess to invade her world.

"Looks like we're here, Lilith," he said, looking at the child-like entity beside him. It was Ophis' other half, named after Rizevim's own mother to honor her.

"Mhm... Lilith noticed," the girl said, referring to herself in the third person.

Although she showed little emotion, it was undeniable that she was powerful. With such an entity as his unconditional bodyguard, he should be able to invade that boy's home and take the Goddess from there. But according to how he fought against Vedas, killing Surya with a single attack, Rizevim ought to be cautious.

He believed Lilith would still be able to defeat that boy with ease, but it didn't hurt to be cautious. That's why he was here, to gather more power. "Looks fancy, doesn't it? It's the mansion of a Vampire Prince, enjoy yourself."

"Mhm." Lilith just hummed. Rizevim was just talking to himself, at this point.

They were in Romania now, to meet Marius Tepes. They've been discussing a... deal for a while now, and Marius summoned him today to further talk about it. Rizevim led Lilith to the front gate of the massive mansion, and the guards bowed in recognition.

They were let inside, and at the main door of the huge mansion, a well-dressed man was waiting under the moonlight. He gently nodded, while the butler waiting behind him bowed. "A meeting between fellow princes, Prince Rizevim, I'm excited tonight." Said Marius Tepes, while moonlight danced on his blood-red eyes.

Rizevim felt a little insulted at that. Did this Marius, the 2nd Prince of one of the two Vampire Factions, really consider him an equal? Even though he was the only prince of the entire devil kind, the Son of the Original Lucifer?

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