[96] The Goddess of the Sun

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Chapter 96: The Goddess of the Sun

It's not funny if this situation was karma for that mistake. I had already paid enough for betraying her, I had made it up to her a thousand times.

But that's a story for another time.

"The moon's beautiful tonight," My hand was still stretched forward, trying to hold it, even while I spent hours revisiting old memories.

The night was getting lighter now, and I had to make my decision already.

My mood has significantly improved. It always does when I recall my Emmanuelle. I've also come up with an idea of what to do next.

"Stronger..." I lowered my hand and let out a soft sigh. Whatever the problem was, it could be fixed with strength. Well, not this one, but I'm talking about it in general.

I got up from the bench and yawned. It'd be a waste to go to school today, and I also have a date with Akane tomorrow.

I should first earn some cash, and then find myself a place to stay and cultivate.

I did have some cash in my PayPay, but I intentionally didn't bring cash from home. There was no point in that. If... she ever questions why he took the money in PayPay, I'll just say it's a payment for giving her the Psyker Elixir. Or for saving her life.

I checked my phone and opened PayPay. I intentionally ignored the notifications from messages that came from different people.

"About ¥100,000. Not bad."

Hmm, what's the quickest way to make some money from this?

* * *

When the sun rose, I went to the city of Tokyo and into a music shop. I spent all of my 100k on a good violin and a big hat.

With the instrument in hand, I stood on a morning street in Japan, where salarymen and students bustled back and forth.

I had the [Tiger Icon] gently reigning over me, without taking shape in the sky. Just to change the color of my hair and eye, as well as change my height. I also grew more muscular so that nobody could recognize me.

With that done, I began to play the violin. A Thousand Years played out in a smooth, rhythmic sensation, my uncountable years of experience flowing out as music.

People stopped as the magical sound touched not their ears, but their hearts. A small crowd gathered, and then a big one. My one hat seemed too small in no time, but to the people's surprise, it never filled. It was a minor spell that slightly stung my mana reserves for breaking the promise, but didn't cause any significant harm.

At one point, my voice couldn't hold it anymore. I began to sing along with the music.

"I have died every day waiting for you, Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more..."

The crowd erupted into cheers as my voice carried far. People silently listened and a few began to cry at the feelings I poured into the words.

A minute later, I stopped. There was a silence before applause filled the air.

"Hey, are you a foreigner?!"

"You must be someone famous, can I get an autograph?!"

People yelled different things, rushing to my private space, but I raised a hand and quickly stopped them. I poured a tinge of willpower into the Tiger Icon to make the humans not approach me so easily.

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