[25] Life Goes On

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Chapter 25: Life Goes On

Two sofas faced one another with a table between them, where tea cups rested. I and Ruby sat on one, while Tsubasa and Mem occupied the other. We chatted about light things as we sipped tea.

"Hey, did anyone notice that we missed school?" Ruby suddenly pointed out, and I did notice. "Tomorrow is Sunday, too."

So it was a two-day holiday. "It's fine, we need some time to get used to the changes. Especially Tsubasa. Oh and, we should call our family. I think they contacted the police by now."

Tsubasa shook her head, taking a sip from her tea. "I doubt it. My... mother seems to have texted them last night, telling them that we're crashing at Mem-Cho's place. We sent a selfie together, where she used a spell to turn my hair black for that moment, so they shouldn't be worrying."

We have given Ruby and Mem-Cho a brief about Tsubasa's situation. Not everything, but just the bit that she was a super hybrid existence, 25% human, 25% Vampire, 25% Divine Beast and 125% Yokai. She was 200% in total, yes, because she was two people in one. The other person inside her just happened to be her mother; the usual stuff.

"I see," I couldn't help but be impressed by that Catwoman at this point. "Your mother is great, not gonna lie. She's kinda weird. A bit quirky, oh and a slut too. But she is very reliable."

"Oh my," suddenly, Tsubasa's tone took a turn as her brown eyes became golden. She licked her lips and smirked at me. "It can't be that Aqua-kun is building a crush on the mother of the same girl he's been ignoring until now? You're going to hurt her at this point, boy."

Black Hanekawa grew comfortable enough with me that she returned to her usual way of speech, rather than the bootlicking she was doing after I had pressed my authority on her.

"Why are you taking over her without her permission?" I looked at her with a frown, and she scoffed.

"Who said I didn't ask for her permission? Well, I didn't, but come on, that's up to us. We will be making a deal in our heads about this situation. As it is us who are sharing a body, can you not meddle and let the two of us talk it out?" She said, looking at me with casual eyes.

Sadly for her, I would meddle if Tsubasa asked, but I decided to just shrug and nod for now. Suddenly, she walked over to me, and her eyes met with Ruby's for a moment which made her smile wider. She ignored my twin and sat down on my lap, putting her arms around my neck.

"Mhm forget that for now. Instead, I have a favor to ask. As you know, my daughter awakened her vampire blood. The thing is, she needs to have her first feast soon, otherwise she will keep growing hornier. That's why she was so heated this morning, you know?"

Oh wait, that's true. I should have kept that in mind, being a past vampire myself. In my defense, I didn't use that racial side much, since it was the same life in which I became the Sorcerer of Eternity. Time Magic was much more interesting to me than being a blood-sucking vampire, but I appreciated it since without being a vampire, I wouldn't have survived the Time Loop I got stuck in back then. That's what inspired me to learn Time Magic, to begin with. So yes, one of my greatest achievements, to become the Sorcerer of Eternity, came from me being a vampire. Sweet old days – still gives chills when I recall the loop though.

Black Hanekawa looked at me with a glint in her eyes as she spoke, "So, I wonder if you have any plans to get me some blood? Fresh. And ideally magical, too."

"Quit playing," I tilted my head to the side to give her a show of my neck. "You can have my blood. Be careful not to suck too much, you might get Enthralled."

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