[41] Little Aftermath

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Chapter 41: Little Aftermath

I was inside the tea house that was located in the backyard, surrounded by ponds and close to the edge of the hill that this resort was built on top of. The scene from here was beautiful, the town below was waking up as the sun had risen, and birds were chirpy all around us.

It was a serene and tranquil atmosphere, where one could get away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. As the sun hung in the eastern sky, the light spilled into the tea house, filling the open space that was four pillars holding a rooftop, with a table in the middle, with its warmth. The small water ponds sparkled in the sunlight, creating a calming and peaceful scene.

The tea house was the perfect place to relax and enjoy a cup of tea, surrounded by nature and in complete harmony with the surrounding environment.

I was doing just that, standing as I faced the town and sipping green tea.

Even my grumpy partner, Mai Senpai, was enjoying this peace, "Any other boy in that situation, and I would have slapped them."

"Well, it worked," I took out my phone and showed her the front page of her Insta. "53k likes in less than an hour, so early in the morning even. Be grateful, lil bunny."

"...Idiot." Mai sipped tea with a small blush on her face as she looked at the screen. "You should have told me about it first... On top of that, we don't know for sure if it expands to reality, or just the screen of the phone, so don't be so arrogant yet."

"We will see soon," I told her, nudging my chin in the direction behind her. "Look."

Mai took my suggestion and turned her head backward. The cup in her hand shook a little as she saw the entire group of kids running towards us, stepping on the stones on the ponds and reaching towards us. Even the director was coming here.

"You two!" It was Morimoto Kengo, the high school third-year music band member, who yelled at her, laughing. "Are you two dating?! Unbelievable, we rarely saw you guys interact, but now this."

Mai blushed further at them, and I noticed Mem-Cho's facial expression twisting in a not-very-pleasant way. I wonder how she felt waking up to that picture after we spent half of the night making out. I figured I should explain things to her later, it's better to clear misunderstandings.

Mai and I talked with the group. Mai was a little taken aback by the sudden attention from everyone, so I decided to clear up any misunderstanding myself.

"No, no, we aren't dating," I waved my hand as I explained. "The weather was just romantic, so..."

While I explained that, I noticed that Sen Kaibara, the first-year guy, was going to Mai and saying something that annoyed me. "Mai Senpai, in that photo it looks like he forcefully kissed you. Are you alright? If there is anything weird going on, you can tell us."

"...." I paused. My smile dropped.

Other than us, the director was nearby too; along with him, I noticed the camera crew already recording this from a distance.

A drama has begun.

* * *

A silence fell when Sen asked Mai that question, and the director backed off from the situation, returning to focus on shooting this instead. The others didn't notice that, and the few that did notice it didn't show it.

Sen Kaibara was the one variable who was not from the original LoveMy cast in canon. He was here to even out the girl-to-boy ratio because there was an extra female cast this time—Mai Senpai.

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