[32] Adorable Hoshino

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Chapter 32: Adorable Hoshino

Tsubasa was a fast learner, that's why her knowledge of everything was vast. Just like in her Monogatari counterpart, she was a human encyclopedia. She knew a lot.

So, it didn't even take her the entire day to learn the Bouchujutsu from her mother. It all happened in her head.

"Um, I learned it..."

She nudged my sleeves and told me while we were in a movie theater. Can anybody blame me for deciding to test out how it really worked right there?

After half an hour of testing in the theater, I dragged her back to the hotel. I knew just enough about the technique now to edit it and implement a Dual Cultivation Art into it.

That night, we stayed in the hotel until 10 PM. In this world, Touki had Nine Ranks, and from what Hanekawa told me, Tsubasa on her own had Rank 3 Touki, while when Hanekawa took charge of the body, their two accumulated Qi became Rank 6.

Tsubasa's Rank 3 Qi amount was equal to my power system's [Iron], but that's just Energy Wise, her body wasn't as tough – she didn't have a Path either. The users of Qi in this world truly were amateurs, they used Qi in a very one-dimensional way.

In this world, the users of Qi were referred to as Senjutsu Practitioners. People could either use Qi to do spells like Bouchujutsu, Nature Energy blasts, etc. On the other hand, you could also wrap Qi around your body to make yourself stronger, faster, and more durable, and that application of Qi is called Touki.

The thing is, in the world I was born in my 9th life, even low-level Cultivators could do these, while in this world only the very strong users of Qi can do both Touki and Spells. This truly was a backwater world where people didn't give Qi much focus. The applications were too limited.

I suppose I should give Tsubasa a Path in the near future, and then help her properly refine her body instead of just gathering Qi.

For now though, I only need her to gather Qi. The more Qi she'd have, the faster my own growth will be. By the time we finished tonight, Tsubasa had just enough Qi to be considered a 4th Rank, according to Hanekawa. She was pretty high on the 3rd rank before, but it was still an incredible speed, and it will only increase the stronger we get.

As for me, I was still in the True Gold rank, obviously. One night's activity wouldn't make me advance. But if we talk about progression in percentage, then I was at 3% of True Gold before, but now I stood at 11%.

So, if we retained this speed and did Dual Cultivation for multiple hours a day, I should be able to max out True Gold in just 11 days. Sadly, we won't be able to do it for multiple hours every day when we'll be at home, but it was still good.

"This one felt so much better than the last few times! I was filled with energy."

Tsubasa shouted as she sat in front of me on the motorcycle, riding it while I held her waist from behind, ready to take control of the handles if she slipped. It was her first time driving.

At first, I feared that Tsubasa would be a little hurt emotionally; she might have worried if I only took her out on a date and slept with her for Cultivation. But thankfully, she only appeared happy to help; such a nice girl. She was so lovely, I wanted to bite her. Which I did, as she wiggled the motorcycle and nearly crashed.

Soon, our city ride time was cut short when our parents called again and this time we had no excuse but to return home right away.

* * *

"You brat, you dared to come back?"

I dodged a flying sandal with the accuracy of a sniper when the door opened faster than ever. Luckily Tsubasa wasn't beside me, she returned to her own house, otherwise she would have been hit by it.

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