[193] Good Times Interrupted by Angels

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Chapter 193: Good Times Interrupted by Angels

[Third Person Point of View]

Lian and her group were supposed to leave right after meeting the Principal. The plan was to reach the battlefield, meet her younger brother, throw him into the carriage, and return home. However, quite a change appeared in the plan and she decided to leave the next day.

Tomorrow morning, as per the Principal's order, all the first-year students left for the battlefield. They rode large mundane carriages that carried their gloomy faces toward the faces of Demons. The Raiden Clan's large, royal carriage followed them.

The eye-patched professor leading the students this time didn't have any objection to this since having a powerful asset like Raiden Lian on these dangerous roads couldn't be a bad thing.

"I am Professor Thalindra, we will be in your care," the red-haired woman shook her hands and Lian showed a polite smile.

"Thalindra the Dragon Hunter? It's my pleasure to meet an extraordinary person such as you, SSS-rank hunter." Lian said, and Thalindra took the compliment with a nod. They withdrew their hands, and Lian asked, "By the way, do you by any chance know a pair of twin students? Blonde."

Professor Thalindra tilted her head, "Aquamarine and Ruby Hoshino, I presume you mean them. What of them?"

"Hm, Hoshino?" Lian raised an eyebrow. "They originate from Cania?"

"I am unsure. As far as I know, they're orphans. What piqued your interest?"

What picked her interest was that... sheer physical strength he displayed. The Mana she sensed from him was nothing much, even if impressive for a first year, so how did he bring out such incredible strength?

Yesterday, Lian stopped her subordinates who immediately tried to fight the boy for hurting Xia. When they didn't attack him, the boy didn't bother to engage with them either. He left with his sister, and Lian has been curious ever since.

If it's some secret technique or martial art that anyone can use, it'll help mankind a lot against the demons. I need to seek him out and ask him. She thought.

There was also the chance that it was his bloodline power. That would be a pity, but still better than nothing. If he made lots of children with other powerful women, and age-speed magic and potions were used on the children after that, they'd be ready to fight the demons in no time.

Such a plan may not be morally correct, Lian knew, but what would the use of morality be if the world was destroyed? Apocalypse was nearby, and she had to make sure at least Cania would survive.

It makes things easier if they're of Canian origin. Lian asked Thalindra about the two kids' location, and after explaining to the stubborn professor that she did not have any ulterior motive, she received what she wanted to know.

She approached one of the many carriages that were about to leave, and right there, in the back seats, she found the twins.

"Aquamarine," Raiden Lian put a hand on her waist and called. Bright aqua blue eyes turned to meet her dark blue ones. "Would you like a cup of Eastern herbal tea?"

He looked at her with an expressionless face, and she smiled in return.

"Of course, you can bring your sister too."

"No." Aqua turned his head away.


Lian felt a bit offended that her polite tea invitation was rejected so easily, but there was nothing that could be done. It's not as if she could force a student to come to her carriage in the name of tea, what would the people say?

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