[13] Japanese Showbiz & Mexican Gods

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Chapter 13: Japanese Showbiz & Mexican Gods

A bit later, I and Ruby were dressed in our uniforms as we sat at the dining table and ate. Tsubasa was there too today, dressed as well, and Ai was sitting on a chair beside her.

"But mama~ if even Onii-Chan is starting his career, what about me?"

While Ruby certainly found it very funny that I was going to be tortured through this thing, she also felt left behind. Though I had an urge to correct her that this was not the start of my career, because this will never be my career, I held back the urge and ate breakfast.

"You know my classmates were asking me what I do... Some even made fun of me because I was attending the Performing Arts Program without actually having anything going on in my name. Oh! Did I tell you I met Shiranui Frill? She didn't recognize me either..."

Ai gave Ruby a hesitant smile. "Ah, Ruby baby, your case and your brother's are a bit different..."

"But I wanna! Mama!" She jumped from the table and went around to hug Ai from behind. "Make me an idol already!"

I stared at her antics with deadpan eyes, noticing that she stuck her tongue out at me. How silly.

Ai was sweating as she chewed on her lip, and it lasted until Tsubasa joined and took Ruby's side. "I mean, Ai-san, you started at the age of 12, right? I don't see an issue if Ruby debuts at 15."

Ai sighed with a defeated look. "Fine. I... kind of wish you didn't want to be an idol; it has its downsides. However, since you have a wish, your mama will grant it."

Ai didn't want her daughter to be stalked and potentially killed, is what she meant. Ruby woke up that day after I passed out after healing Ai, but neither of us ever told her what had truly happened when she was asleep. So, oblivious as she was, she grinned widely at Ai's words and kissed her.

"I love you! Mwah!"

"Mhm, silly girl, finish your food. Aqua, darling, look how you inspired your sister to start her own career too. Ahaha, come on, smile a little."

My deadpan stare, as I munched on food, shifted from Ruby and to Ai as the mother-daughter pair began to giggle at whatever they found funny.

What is this? Unbelievable.

Hah, indeed, the world is harsh for kind souls such as I, living hard lives while always getting taken advantage of.

* * *

After we ate breakfast, we left for school. Ruby tried to mess with me on the way, but a spank in public made her shut up. Tsubasa was a bit worried about the whole ordeal, though, unsure if I will make a fool out of myself, but I told her to rest assured.

She mistook my oblivious little boy to act to her as a real trait. Haah, I couldn't help but shame my head. She had no idea I had stolen her heart without even trying.

I paused on my way. We were right around the school and the road was filled with cherry blossom trees on either side. The rosy leaves fell and I couldn't help but look at the sky with a sigh.

"Once again, I've stolen a maiden's heart without her realizing."

Sometimes it was hard to live life with my uncontrollable charisma. Though I suppose in the dating show, I'll have to take a bit of an active approach. Maybe I will use my personality from Sorcerer of Eternity life there, back then I used to take daughters from Kings and Emperors as payment for my help. On a second thought, nevermind, that'd be an overkill. I'll just flirt normally.

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