[152] First Result of Torture

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Chapter 152: First Result of Torture

After school, I spent a short while talking to Mai Senpai. It was nothing important, she just congratulated me.

"I heard the news from my mother," she said as we walked into a cafe. The evening sunlight lost its grasp on us as we stepped inside, finding seats for ourselves. "Your name is spreading everywhere in the supernatural world."

From the way she openly talked about this right in front of a waiter taking our orders, who reacted as if he was hearing none of it, it was apparent that she had delved into more magical arts these days. Not bad.

So she's the only one of my three girlfriends who has been learning things without my help, huh?

We waited for our orders to arrive and I opened my mouth, "Is it? Hopefully, that's a good thing."

"I think it is," she said. "The Queen of the Yokais apparently showed some interest in you, too, according to Mother. So don't be surprised if a fox approaches you."

"I'll keep that in mind," I nodded. When we received our cups of black coffee and cappuccino, I took a sip and asked, "It'll be Sunday soon. You will be free for the date, right?"

"Mhm. I wouldn't cancel a plan, even if I find it reluctant to call it a 'date' after what I saw this morning in school." she said and I cleared my throat.


She scoffed, smirking, "It's alright, we're not serious about this anyway. Next week's the end of our promised three months."

"True," I said and watched her finish her coffee in silence. We exchanged few words after that, finishing our drinks as she stood up.

"I'll see you on Sunday, then," she said, and I nodded.

I proposed to give her a lift through the sky like last time but got rejected. Was she mad at me? She left by herself and I made my way toward my own home.


After a few hours, the idol girls finished training for their upcoming debut and left. I dropped Shoko and Yuzuru to their home today, and while returning, I found Kana in the street. So I gave her a lift too.

"Y-you didn't have to." Kana crossed her arms just when I dropped her in front of a pretty luxurious house.

'So she's quite wealthy.' I noted with a snort. "Don't act like that now, as you said earlier, the sky is pretty. Be appreciative of it." I told her and in response, she stayed silent. "If you're interested in this side of the world, Kana, remember that I'm ready to bring you here anytime you want."

"...." She frowned, not in defiance, but in worry. "Isn't it scary? You might die... Don't you feel scared of the possibility that you might be too slow to dodge an attack?"

"The probability of death is everywhere. Would you rather have powers to fight off the probability, or leave yourself to luck?" I leaned against the metal gate and looked at her.

She stayed silent for a moment and then smiled, "Hey, my luck isn't that bad. You saved me twice, didn't you? Once back in the park, and now recently. That seems pretty lucky to me."

"Ah," I blinked. "You remember the first incident?"

"So it's true? I remembered recently," she said, rubbing her arm with her other hand. "It came to me in my dreams, and I just thought it was a nightmare at first, but all the details were too sharp. Did you remove my memories?"

"No, I believe it was a side effect of that guy's ability," I fucking lied.

It was me who removed her memories of that incident, with an application of Pure Storm Baptism. But I couldn't do a good job since I wasn't even Gold back then, and now she has regained that memory.

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