[21] A Full Moon on Twelve O'clock

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Chapter 21: A Full Moon on Twelve O'clock

Classes began, and I was half expecting one of the Devils to come to look for me anytime. Sona, the Student Council President, should want to deal with me after seeing the state I left her Queen in. To my surprise, classes ended soon, and no devil ever came to look for me.

Perhaps Tsubaki Shinra took it to heart when I pointed out this was a simple trifle between just the two of us. I'm glad she has at least that level of honor.

After the bell rang, I left to meet the girls at the school gate. I only found Ruby there, though.

"Tsubasa isn't here yet?" I asked her as I approached, watching her shake her head.

"She was here, she left. Apparently, she has some work outside, I don't know, she won't share the details." She said as I frowned.

Tsubasa didn't have any friends outside us. She has many acquaintances who might call them her friends, but her honor student vibe didn't make her any real friends besides us. This work of hers couldn't be related to the Agency either; otherwise, I was sure Uncle Ichigo would have asked me to accompany her.

"How long will it take?" I asked and only received another shake of Ruby's head, she didn't know.

Then, another voice called us from back. We turned to find Kana Arima running at us while waving at us.

"Ruby! Hi!" She called and approached us, though strangely she didn't even glance at me, let alone address to greet me. "Are you leaving for home? Let's go together, I take the same train too."

I heard that Ruby took Kana to Tsubasa's house a few days ago, so they must know that they take the same train. I didn't bother greeting her since I had a possible guess why she was acting this way, and that was just ridiculous.

We walked for a while and then reached the train station. We got into the train, and it was one of those bad days where it was packed with people. Japan was disgusting for its train situation, so I stood over the two girls to keep them away from any creeps.

The three of us were excited when our station came and we walked for a bit more until we came to a crossroad. Kana paused and then looked at me.

"You're doing good," she said. "I watched both of the episodes, they were... fun. I wish you a good time with your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend," I decided to end the misunderstanding since I told Rias about it anyway. It wouldn't hurt if others knew. "It was just a mistake in the heat of the moment, we aren't dating."

"Oh... oh?!" Kana's first exclamation was dry before she flinched and exclaimed once more. She blushed, sweat covering her face as she scoffed. "N-not that it matters to me. Whatever, b-bye!"

She turned around and fled the scene like a guilty puppy. She's cute, honestly. Too short for my type, though. Why is she 4"11?

In the meantime, Ruby was staring at me with a shocked expression. "Wait, you and Mem-Cho aren't dating?!"

"No, I told mom already last night," I told her. "I thought she'd tell you? Damn, you're clueless."

"Shut up! Why didn't you tell Tsubasa the truth, then? Don't tell me you didn't notice how she's been acting. Even I understood her situation, how did you miss it? It's a special day for her tomorrow, you know..."

Huh? What special day? When I opened my mouth to ask, I stopped. If I say that I forgot, it'll only backfire. And hmm, could it be the truth when she said she had some work?

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