[130] Mixed Signals, About Sage, and...

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Chapter 130: Mixed Signals, About Sage, and...

"Phew," the door clicked behind us as we entered our hotel room.

We lodged here with appearances faked since otherwise, it'd be bothersome to get a scandal titled: Japan's Greatest Star Ai was seen getting into a hotel with the teen star of a dating show.

So Ai used a basic spell to change her hair color, and I did the same by calling forth the Tiger Icon over me. That brought us into our rooms, where Ai walked over to the bed and slumped onto her back and I put our helmets on the hanger.

"Haah," she let out a breath of relaxation. "Finally, it's warm here."

"You should get rid of your clothes first." I said as I tapped my clothes, one by one, to deposit them into my Void Storage.

That left me in my underwear, and I felt her gaze flicker on my near-naked body for the briefest second before she looked up and met my gaze.

She gave me a jealous look, "You should teach me a spell to do that too."

"Didn't you tell Ruby last time that retaining some human limits is better? Such as cleaning her own room, as you said." I crossed my arms and looked at her. "You can already change your clothes with a thought, at least get them off yourself by hand."

"Haah," she sighed and closed her eyes. A moment later, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. "Then... help me take them off, I'm tired."


At this point, I'm not sure what she wanted.

First, she refused to answer my confession, then she pulled me to a hotel— which is fine, a mother and son sharing a hotel room isn't that weird, but her excuse for that was too weak. How could she say 'I'm feeling cold and chilly' when her powers are a supergirl template? Now she's asking me to help her get naked.

Does she like leading me on only to leave me hanging on a cliff?

I didn't say anything and walked over to her. My hand reached out to grab the chain near her collar, as I pulled it down. As the chain parted, her white tank top peeked out, as did her round, firm breasts under it.

"Uh," she blushed a little. "Just teleport it into your storage, why are you taking it off by hand..."

"Raise your arms," I ignored her words and said. She looked at me and waited, and then raised her arms in the air. I pulled the jacket out of her arms, one after the other, and then pulled the entire thing off.

Then I grabbed the belt in her pants and unhooked it. Then I began to pull it down. She blushed, but her words fell on deaf ears as I helped her get naked slowly.

Now she remained in a white panty and a tank top.

I stared down at her as she looked at me, barely, before looking away to the side with a blush on her face.

That made me frown.

I leaned my weight into one hand, placing it beside her, as my face loomed inches above her. "Just what do you want from me, mom?"


"Don't pretend. It's not very son-like to undress their mother, yet you asked me for it. You know the way I see you, yet you asked me this—what are you implying?" I stared into her eyes, even as she looked away, and stayed silent until she found the courage to look right into my eyes. "Yes?"

"I thought you'd just... teleport them... I didn't expect you to take them off in such an intimate way..." she said slowly and I sighed, standing back up.

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