[103] Let's Turn It Around

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Chapter 103: Let's Turn It Around

The tension in the room thickened as he folded his arms across his chest, a stark barrier to her pleas. "No point calling him that. He doesn't like you as much as you think he does, well, not anymore." His words were like cold steel, slicing through her determined face.

Her expression faltered, eyes clouding with a storm of emotions. "I... I can guess why," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. The realization was a bitter pill, hard to swallow. "But it's none of your business. I shall talk with Aqua about it in detail when he returns."

But he wasn't done. Leaning in, his gaze was unyielding, piercing. "It is my business, though. How can you accept him as your son if you don't accept me, and the others within him? We're all facets of him, facets of myself. Or do you want him to pretend to be your little son, who had never lived a life before?"

Her scowl deepened, a fierce protective instinct rising within her. "Whatever the case, you're not leaving this house. I can't let you mess with Aqua's life, his relationships. You're a lot ruder than he is, you're not allowed to deal with his girlfriends." Her stance was resolute in defending who could possibly be her future daughter-in-law. "Multiple personalities or not, there are boundaries and respect that need to be upheld between you lots."

"Quit your blabbering," His impatience was evident as he dismissed her complaints with a wave of his hand. "The so-called multiple personalities aren't as complicated as you think. We're the same, united in our emotions and experiences. What belongs to Aqua belongs to me too."

"Really? How can you claim to hate me, Aqua's mother, yet show affection for his girlfriends? That's a glaring contradiction," she challenged, and for a moment, he was silenced.

- You talkin' money, need a hearin' aid, You talkin' 'bout me, I don't see the shade, Switch up my style, I take any lane, I switch up my cup, I kill any pain~

In the silence, now [Starboy] played in full volume. The two of them stared at one another until Aqua raised a hand and destroyed the sound box with a lightning spark.

"Aqua wouldn't destroy anything like this either," she didn't look away from his eyes and said. "He would have just turned it off." She appeared a lot braver, a lot more willing to talk, transformed into the guise of a Battle Goddess as she was right now.

Her armor shimmered with the same celestial light as the Light Goddess from Avatar 5; they were the same character. This outfit, however, was an armor now instead of mere fabrics. He couldn't manhandle her like before; her [Wardrobe] was annoying. He could only harm her if he got serious, but since when was harming her the point of this talk?

Instead, he rubbed the back of his head, a gesture of frustration. "You're overthinking it. I am not a collection of different people. I'm the same person, experienced through different lenses of time. And for the record, I don't hate you. If I did, you wouldn't be standing here."

She remained silent, her gaze fixed on him.

The few strands of blonde hair he had earlier seemed to have infected the black hair near them. A small percentage of his hair changed back. Since he had been forced to hold back the Venerable One's usual personality just now by not attacking her, his normal senses were coming back.

This wouldn't end in a grand fight between the two of them.

"I'm... sorry," to his surprise, she lowered both her hands and her head, apologizing. "You know I don't understand these things. Magic is new to me, moreover all of these reincarnation shenanigans. So if you don't explain..." Tears bubbled up in her eyes and her lips shook. "How am I supposed to know what to do?!"

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