[95] Interlude - A Mirroring Tale

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Chapter 95: Interlude — A Mirroring Tale

"Why has the sky suddenly darkened?"

"The weather news didn't mention this."

Since the ghost incident had subsided, people had again grown brave enough to stay in Kuoh Park until late into the night. But the darkening sky made them promptly leave, unwilling to get caught in the rain.

The sky rumbled aloud, and rain fell. In the entire park, only one individual remained. The only one who knew the reason behind the rain.

Sitting under the rain, I found myself on the same bench where, over a month ago, Kana had sat on the day I killed the creepy devil and his pet. My shirt clung to my skin, my hair dripping with water, while I stared at the clouds with a dry expression without blinking.

"Rules of Reincarnation,"

I broke the silence with a soft mutter. It's been a while since I talked about the rules.

"When your status of Reincarnation has been revealed to your parents, the reactions that come out are to be accepted as they are. Because that particular reaction, once earned, does not change."

Do not cry about spilled milk.

For ordinary humans, there's a saying about not fretting over things beyond one's control. Such as height, among other things. Some things are fated to be, they are hard to change — if not outright impossible.

For me, those things are limited. But they do exist. This situation was the best, the prime example of that. With the IQ of a Legend, with Holmes' intelligence, Ai had deduced that I wasn't her son. Although for the last 15 years, it was I who she had been interacting with.

People's viewpoints were different. So I'm not mad at her for reaching this conclusion — I perfectly understood why she'd react the way she did. Even if, well, I managed to care for her despite my uncaring heart, she doesn't owe me to care back.

Of course, it's logical. I understood that.

"So why does it still hurt?"

The sky rumbled.

Perhaps it was because she confronted me right after I returned from destroying the Fallen Angels just for her? Probably.

No, or was it because I cared for a woman so much, right after living like a beast with a stone for a heart in my 9th life?

Enough to grant her my Empress' power?

Maybe it's a mixture of both.

Was it fair that all of my caring feelings for her were discarded simply because this isn't my first life? Because she thinks I'm a ghost on her son's body?

Oh well. "It is what it is."

'It's your fault for putting your feelings on a little girl, come on.' The Venerable One's voice whispered to my ear, holding a tint of amusement in it. 'It's just 15 years, are you really that attached to her in this little time? Move on.'


'Get up and focus on your goal. You do have one, don't you? You've recreated the Nexus of Eternity, so concentrate on that. Why let a little girl distract you so much?'

"Well, she's not just a 'girl'. She's my m-"

'No. You only had one mother, after your first. And you loved that one more than your first. This one was just a time pass, get over it.'


Initially, the Venerable One began as a coping mechanism, either intentionally or unintentionally, so he often ridiculed my other lives just for the sake of it. Yet... even he failed to mock that one person.

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