[186] Choosing Another New Path

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Chapter 185: Choosing Another New Path

Tsubasa's heart raced as Aqua climbed the stairs, leading her to his room. It made her feel even better, briefly meeting the gaze of the two devils.

The adrenaline of the battle and the thrill of her successful advancement had her on edge, and she could feel her primal instincts clawing at her self-control. Mostly because of the smell – that smell – that he was releasing. What was up with that?

It had been weeks since they last had sex, and the thought of being intimate with him again made her body ache with desire. More than ever. He closed the door behind him and led her to the bed.

"Now," Aqua said, dropping her onto the bed with a laugh. "Try to hold in that urge, try to pull it back inside like a dot. Focus. Try to revert to your human side. Or else-"

But Tsubasa's hybrid form was truly active, and her body was begging for release. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him onto her, her sharp nails and fangs on full display. Aqua's eyes widened for a moment, but then he chuckled and pulled her close, his body tense with anticipation.

Their kiss was fierce and demanding, and Tsubasa could feel herself losing control. She wanted to revert to her human form, but the urge to mate was too strong. She tore at Aqua's clothes, her sharp nails making quick work of the fabric, and he did the same to her.

It'd have been more optimal to just teleport the clothes, but who could logic with primal instincts?

As they tumbled onto the bed, Tsubasa's tail wrapped around Aqua's waist, pulling him closer. She could feel his hardness pressing against her, and she let out a low growl of pleasure.

Aqua's hands roamed Tsubasa's body, his touch sending shivers down her spine. He cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her nipples, and she moaned into his mouth. His fingers trailed down her stomach, teasing the sensitive skin there, before finally reaching the apex of her thighs.

"Nghn..." Tsubasa's body was on fire, and she couldn't get enough of Aqua's touch. She arched her back, pressing her breasts against his chest, and ground her hips against his hand. Aqua's fingers slipped inside her, and she gasped, her nails digging into his skin.

"You're so wet, Tsubasa," Aqua growled, his lips trailing down her neck. "So ready for me."

"Y-yes," she panted, her body trembling. "Aqua, please. I need you."

Aqua's cock was rock hard, and he couldn't wait any longer. He positioned himself at Tsubasa's entrance and slammed inside her, making her cry out with pleasure. She was so tight, so hot, and he could feel himself losing control.

Tsubasa's fangs sank into Aqua's shoulder, marking him as hers, and he responded by biting her neck, claiming her as his. The pleasure was almost unbearable, and like that, the night grew hotter.


Two days later, I was not home. Morning birds chirped and gentle wind filled the mountain range. I sat at the peak, with my legs crossed and all my focus pinpointed on collecting Sun Qi.

I sat like that for hours, until at noon, I felt a sense of fulfillment in my Qi Pool. I opened my eyes, my pupils bright and blazing.

"Whew, finally," I let out a breath. "My second path reached Sage rank."

I fought against Indra when I was at Overlord Qi on this Path of the Darkest Sun. I'm even stronger than that now, and I'm not stopping here.

This means that not only was my Qi Pool twice the size as before, making it at least ten times that of an average Sage's, but this single Qi Pool now had six attributes as well. Wind, water, cloud, and lightning affinity from my first path, and sun and moon affinity from my new path.

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