[154] Who's the Real White Tiger?

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Chapter 154: Who's the Real White Tiger?


The atmosphere was serene, with a gentle smoke incense filling the room and leaving out the open Japanese doors. An old man with gray hair and a short beard sat behind a table and sipped herbal tea while facing a man of younger age and yet similar features.

While the old man sipped tea, the young man didn't. He sat with a fearsome posture and waited in silence. After a minute, the old man put down the cup of tea and looked at his son with a considerate look.

"This might be too hasty," his wizened voice filled the room, making the young man scoff.

"I think you just lost your spine after I inherited the Sacred Beast, Father," said the young man, a taunt in his voice that made his father chuckle.

Looking at his son, with his head shaven and eyes filled with intensity, the old man felt a little nostalgic. Was he this idiotic too when he was young? "Byakko, now that you inherited that name from me, you need to act with cause. What'll I do if you end up injured? We can approach this slowly."

Byakko Shinra, Heir of the Shinra Clan, frowned deeply at that. Did his father really believe in the rumors that much? How can a mortal defeat a God? Did this old man think he'd lose to that fake, false White Tiger?

Despite its small size, Japan was one of the world's powerhouses. Out of the many reasons, one primary factor for that was the Sacred Beasts.

Who didn't know about the Four Guardian Beasts? The Mythological Symbols? The Azure Dragon, the Black Tortoise, the White Tiger, and the Vermilion Bird were four names even mortals would recognize.

Along with that was a new, fifth name. At the center of these four, was the sacred beast known by few; the Gold Dragon, also called the Yellow Dragon.

These five together, known as the Five Sacred Beasts, roamed the Earth for eons. They dominated the world with their overwhelming strength and became legends.

At one point in time, a few millennia ago, few knew for what reason, that these Five Sacred Beasts decided to choose human vessels.

These beasts made pacts with five Japanese families, and since then a child from these bloodlines inherited their respective Sacred Beasts. Due to their strength, they could essentially be considered Demi-Gods, save for the eternal youth part.

The five possessors of these Five Sacred Gears all lived in Japan. So naturally, the country's status in the supernatural world was high. And the Five Principal Clans, the undercover ruling class, now dominated Japan.

Among the five, the Nakiri Clan who wielded the Yellow Dragon and unofficially led the four other four Clans, was considered the leading clan. They were crowned as the strongest among the five clans, as the Yellow Dragon was the strongest.

Yet however, the other clans were pretty close. People painted the gap larger than it actually was. After all, how could a bunch of cooks be Demi-Gods?

Byakko Shinra, the current heir of the Shinra Clan, aimed to take a step beyond and prove that the Shinra Clan was far stronger than the Nakiri Clan. Byakko believed that those foolish blondes, clearly not Japanese, shouldn't be allowed to lead Japan. They should focus on their chef business and let the other clans take the lead.

As the wielder of the White Tiger, allowing him the ability to transform into a humanoid byakko, as well as reign over the Metal Element, he was an Ultimate-Class entity worthy of going against Satans and Gods.

But to overthrow the Nakiri, he'd need both strength and fame. He had the former, but it wasn't enough, and he didn't even want to talk about the latter. Recently, there was an opportunity for both right under his nose.

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