[137] Great, Everything is Alright

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Chapter 137: Great, Everything is Alright

The first thing I did, as I stepped into the vastness of the human world, was to let my presence fill the entirety of Japan.

It felt nice to be able to do that.

My Jade Perception sharpened, I tried to pick on the presence of any divinity in the human world and failed. I focused it next on my neighborhood, my house, my senses scanning over the area—and thankfully I found nothing there as well.

I hadn't spent more than two hours in the underworld, so it's not that surprising that the world hasn't been turned upside down in this short time.

I was half expecting and was prepared to face off against a God from Norse right after coming out. Thankfully things aren't moving that fast. Not that it'd bother me.

Back when I first reached Copper rank in this life, I said how I felt blind until that moment. Now that I'm finally Sage, I feel as if I finally regained limbs that I lacked until now.

"Aqua, how did you do that?!" Rias and the others walked into the human realm as well, and I closed the portal behind us.

"Do what?"

"That 'cut' thing!" She was grinning like a cat. "It's incredible to split the space so effortlessly! Can I do it too? Um, will you teach me?!"

"Hm, I can teach you, but it'll take time to learn," I pulled her to me by her curvy yet slim waist. Her cheeks grew rosy when I explained, "You need to manifest a [Icon] for this. Depending on the type of the Icon, the feats you can pull off will be that much different yet just as great."

The White Tiger is one of the four legendary symbols of the mythical world, as one of the four directional beasts. Even if the Azure Dragon is undisputedly the most popular, it's arguable who is more powerful since the White Tiger is its rival. Due to the sheer myth behind all of this, my authority over this realm goes beyond the powers that I already have. But putting that aside, my personal name and authority as the Void Devourer White Tiger allows me a series of Void Related powers, which can also translate into spatial powers.

Opening a portal wasn't that hard for me. Now that I'm finally [Sage], I can relish in powers that are actually worth the effort.

"R-really?" Rias asked and I nodded.

"Of course. Your Power of Destruction is very powerful. Since now you're my wom- er, I mean, subordinate, I need to train you to live up to my Master's standards."

She curled her lips teasingly, "What did you just say? I heard it."

I raised my eyebrows, "I said nothing."

"Surely." She smirked and shook her head sadly, "But no, you can't say that... yet. Not until you actually do things that'll assert that. Instead of playing around."

"And how will you like me to assert it?" I pulled her even closer, her large and round breasts pressing against me. I reached out a hand to grab her chin, parting her rosy lips as I looked into her eyes.

Truthfully, it has been a while since I've been playing around with her. It's not a bad thing, I have the time of the world so there is no need to rush, but recently I've been craving to have my way with her...

Do I make her mine today?

"Uhm," Rias closed her eyes just when a dry cough made her reopen them and look to the side. I followed her gaze and found Akeno looking at us with a sweat on her forehead, beside whom Mem stood with an expressionless face, her arms crossed.

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