[157] New B-Komachi's Debut

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Chapter 157: New B-Komachi's Debut

"Bye-bye, see you~," Ruby's voice carried a mix of excitement yet also nervous anticipation as she waved from the car. Beside her, Ai sat her presence a calming balm to Ruby's jittery energy.

As the car pulled away, I raised my hand in a slow arc, waving at them. "Good luck," I murmured, though the words were swallowed by the distance as the car vanished in the distance.

Ruby had been upset with me after the incident with Yura, but her anger never lasted long. She was too spirited and liked me too much to hate me for more than a week.

Life hadn't calmed down since my date with Mai a few weeks ago; instead, it had gotten even busier as we geared up for Ruby's big concert with B-Komachi. The supernatural drama in my life had paused, and everyday life grew busier than ever, especially with the Japan Idol Festival just days away. It's the biggest event for idols, and B-Komachi's prime time slot was a big deal, showing just how popular they had become.

It's common for idol groups to make their first debut in JIF, but receiving a schedule and stage as good as the one that B-Komachi received is rare. JIF was the world's biggest idol festival, which went on from August 4th to August 6th, and in these 72 hours, the timing of the performance mattered greatly.

Due to B-Kmoachi's former popularity, they were able to get a good schedule easily. Yet, Ruby didn't leave any lacking for the upcoming concert's promotion. Even right now, she left with Ai for another promotion. She's been doing photoshoots, memes, TikToks, and visiting TV shows for the last few weeks.

It was August 1st already, and even today, she is with the rest of the B-Komachi to attend a TV show. It was one where she had gone before, and for once, Ai was with her. So I was extra sure and relaxed about this, there couldn't be any problems.

Until I turned on the TV a few hours later.

["Mhm? I really hoped your brother would be here..."] said a woman in a beautifully styled kimono, her blonde hair, and distinctly Japanese features giving her a regal look. I watched from the couch as she looked at Ruby, and then at the food served on the table in front of her that Ruby cooked earlier. ["Although I think the food smells good enough to erase that disappointment. Give him my greetings, please."]

The mature lady finished speaking, and with a smile, she picked up a spoon and took a sip from the soup that Ruby made earlier. I watched the Yokai Queen eat my sister's dish with a frown on my face, confused and curious about what she was doing there.

She was a judge, and beside her was my mother, who was also a judge. They were two guest judges, which surprised me. Yasaka, the Nine-Tailed Fox, was no celebrity. She was attending as a super guest due to some big fashion company she owned, so people knew of her even if this was the first time they saw her face on big TV.

That by itself wasn't very surprising. As the leader of Kyoto's Yokai Faction, and truthfully the entire Yokai Faction of Japan, she was wealthy like a Queen. So her being a guest judge in a big show wasn't surprising, until I considered the information I received from Mai during our date.

The Yokai Faction had a bad relationship with the Five Principal Clans, and this cooking show was hosted by Alice Nakiri, who's of course, a part of the Nakiri Clan. Since when did the Nine-Tailed Fox befriend the Golden Dragon?

Why the fuck was the Queen of Yokai attending this show as a special guest?

"Is there anything wrong...?" Through my frowning rage, I heard a soft voice call me from the side. I turned to find Asia walking into the room with some snacks. She must be here to watch the show too.

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