[66] The Aztec Chief God and Her Questionable Taste

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Chapter 66: The Aztec Chief God and Her Questionable Taste

I took a few hours of sleep and then woke up when the sun did. The filming began with breakfast, to my annoyance. I endured and told myself this was just how this game worked. Selling privacy was how this kind of show sold tickets.

After breakfast, we were given free time. We probably got ten minutes' worth of content with the filming. We're supposed to spend the rest of the day trying to make the other fifty minutes.

After breakfast, we went to roam the town a little. Looked around the local culture, met some foreigners, and had an overall good time trying to mingle with others.

"Ano, I-" Kengo Morimoto, the third-year senpai, was trying his luck on a local girl. His broken English seemed to charm the red-haired young lady.

We watched and laughed in the back as Mem-Cho recorded with her phone. That was a fun clip, I'm sure it would end up in the episode.

To our surprise, the ginger girl really took a liking to Kengo. Her name was Chloe, and she was a fan of Japanese culture. Once we told her about our show, she grew excited and decided to show us around the towns, which started with her own living quarters. She was pretty rich, it turned out—looks like Kengo struck gold.

"This is my hometown, I grew up here, but I don't live here anymore. I'll leave for my current home in California in a week." The girl, Chloe, explained as she showed us around.

We secretly patted Kengo on the back when she wasn't looking and soon we ventured deep into the island. There was a forest in this part with multiple mountains and caves, and the filming crew captured quite a nice scene.

However, the director came to Mem and whispered a plan. "Mem-Cho, you record on the phone. Since it's an adventure-type scenario, it's better to do a portrait shot. That'd give it a more real touch to the scene." The director said and the filming crew heaved a sigh. It seemed annoying to carry heavy cameras deep inside a forest, so they decided to stay behind and dumped all responsibilities on Memmy's shoulders.

"Wow, so responsible they are," Mem said with an annoyed grunt a few minutes after we left the crew behind, making me laugh. "Don't laugh. Help me take some shots."

"Yeah, sure," I agreed and took the phone from her. "Let's- ah."

"What's wrong?" Mem-Cho asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

My eyes locked on the scene ahead, there was a small cave opening at the bottom of a large green mountain. We were at the cave's entrance, led by the local girl.

My [Jade Perception] sensed a bunch of interesting mana signatures inside.

'Finally, Mermaid Meat.'

Er, I mean Mermaids. There were a bunch of Mermaids inside.

"It's nothing," I lied to Mem. "I'll record for now, this seems interesting."

"Thanks~" Mem tip-toed and kissed me on the cheek before she quickly ran ahead to gather with the group.

I stayed a few steps back, and one of the girls, Akane, slowed down to join me. She smiled, "Want help with the recording?"

"I'm fine, thanks." I smiled back and said. I looked ahead at the ginger girl, listening to her words carefully.

"This place is haunted, we locals believe," Chloe said. "At nighttime, strange sounds like songs come from here. There is a water path inside that connects to the sea, so it might be dolphins or some other fish, but we don't take the chance to go in. Occasionally, men are drawn inside by the songs and don't return for a few days at a time. When they do return, they are a lot skinnier and they also don't remember anything that happened inside. I don't suggest we go inside, but it should be an interesting story for your show."

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