[122] Making Out Gone Wrong and Embarrassing

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Chapter 122: Making Out Gone Wrong and Embarrassing

I followed Tsubaki as she led me toward the old school building, where the clubroom of Occult Research Club is located. Once again, to my surprise, the runaway princess of the Shinra clan tried to initiate a conversation.

"So how is it going with your girlfriends? The three-month time frame will end soon. Who do you think will choose to stay with you?" she asked, and although she tried to hide it, she sounded almost excited about the possibility of me soon going through a breakup. But I noticed no animosity within that excitement.

Odd. Did this girl like me? After all that I did?

Why else was she looking forward to me breaking up? From her tone, she seemed certain that someone would break up indeed if not all. I guess she noticed how little time Mai Senpai and I spend, so it may be natural to assume the same for the other two girls.

This situation triggered a memory that, in the original story, she fell for Kiba Yuuto after facing defeat at his hands. Did she have a defeat kink? Poor Sona.

Unfortunately for her, nobody was going to leave me. I'm also not interested in her beyond her physical attractiveness. "I'm not sure, let's wait till the time comes. Who knows, maybe all of them will choose to stay?" I said in a deliberate joking tone, to which she gave me a soft giggle.

"I guess it's hard for girls to commit when they know their boyfriend is a known playboy," she said and I laughed along. Stupid girl.

"I mean, it depends," we stepped into a turning road, and I yanked her by her waist before pressing her back against the wall. She flinched in surprise as I loomed over her, resting my forearm over her head. "Some girls find it thrilling. Besides, a pretty face helps even for guys, and I happen to be blessed with otherworldly talents and powers as well. It's hard not to be a playboy."

"Ah... I-I see..." she blushed slightly, avoiding my eyes, and I took that as a sign to press ahead.

I pushed a knee between her legs and smiled down at her, "Yep. For example, sometimes even my former enemies will hit on me. It's truly a blessing that I am who I am, otherwise, I doubt I could have ever seen Vice President Tsubaki make such a face for me."

"I'm sorry for last time... I should have been more tolerant..." she apologized, still looking away as I chuckled. I grabbed her by her chin and raised her face to look up at me. "...."

"Part your lips," I told her as I felt something twitch over my lips. She gulped, and then opened her lips, closing her eyes as I leaned over.

The girl hesitated, but she gave in to the kiss in no time. She wiggled under me, rubbing her body against mine, and beginning to enjoy the kiss. Just then, I had to cancel the kiss.

Because a kick came flying to hit my side.

"You bastard! How dare you harass the Vice-Prez!" an annoyingly loud voice yelled, as I failed to step away in time since that'd make the attack land on Tsubaki.

The kick hit me on the ribs and sent me sliding back on the floor. It didn't hurt, the kick was too weak to hurt my Overlord body, but it did hurt my pride.

"Vice-Prez, are you alright?!" Issei Hyuudo asked Tsubaki, who was more taken aback by the situation than me, as her sweet kiss was disrupted. Also because she wasn't blind, she noticed that if I were to dodge the attack, it'd have hit her.

Yet this boy had the audacity to ask about her well-being.

"Haah," I ran a hand through my hair as I actively held back a wave of willpower from crushing the fool's soul to death. Then again, that might not work since his soul does hold the soul of a Heavenly Dragon.

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