[36] Mt. Fuji

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Chapter 36: Mt. Fuji

We reached Fujinomiya City a bit after the clock hit 6 PM. It was a long three hours of journey, that would have been shorter if not for the traffic.

Fujinomiya is the closest city to Mount Fuji. From it, the entire mountain is visible like a proud titan looming over the world. We were not in the center of the city, of course, we were on the very outskirts of it.

Here, while we were still on the bus, we got to see the sun setting in the west while the moon was behind the mountain, casting a hungry shadow over the world.

Finally, the bus stopped and we got off. It was indeed a resort on top of a hill area, a classic Japanese house with hot springs and stuff. This place had the best view of the mountain that was a bit far away from us.

"Whooh!" We got off the bus as the girls whistled and the guys stretched. We were at the gate of the resort, and only now did we realize that it truly was an onsen. It was then that we saw the production director running toward us.

"You kids finally made it," he stopped and said. "Take some rest, get comfortable in your rooms. All the guys are in one room, and the girls in another. We'll gather in the girls' room in two hours, then we'll do some quick shooting. We need the footage for tomorrow."

So the shooting was going to begin at 8. I turned my head around to take a look at my surroundings and then was led inside along with everyone.

A small and tranquil garden surrounded the onsen bathhouse. It was then surrounded by tall granite walls, the front yard we stepped into was an oasis of peace and tranquility far from the bustle of the city. The sound of water running in the hot spring somewhere around us, that we couldn't see yet, caused a trickling stream to run through the garden, its sweet melody filling the ears of the visitors. Tall trees provided shade and a place to rest under the soft light of the moon.

Surprisingly, I didn't sense any other guests here, which was odd. Was the show going so well that the production could afford to rent out the entire onsen for us? Keeping my mind busy with thoughts like that, we reached our room as we stepped in.


Since I came right from my school, there was no luggage to worry about, I only had my school bag. I didn't care to pack bags for this since I was notified that the production would be providing us luggage filled with clothes; it was the things we bought back in the shopping mall episode.

From my luggage, I chose a casual soft but tight black shirt and loose white sweatpants, making my chest muscles pop pretty nicely.

"Damn bro, nice pecs."


After exchanging words with the guys, I decided to look around the place myself. I got out of my room and into the backyard. I needed to make sure about something.

Multiple small, knee-deep ponds stretched across the backyard, their dark waters were dotted with pale pink flowers that bloomed on the trees surrounding it. Stone platforms rise around the water of the lake, working as stepping stones for guests.

A simple tea house, with its moss-covered walls curving as if they were grown from the earth, sat on the edge of a particularly deeper pond. Its wooden benches and tables provide a comfortable, relaxing place to sit and enjoy the beautiful views while sipping on a hot cup of tea. The tea house emitted a soothing aroma of flowering herbs and warm, earthy scents.

"Beautiful place."

I did a quick scan with my Jade Perception to see if anyone was looking at me.

I had to be careful, I wasn't feeling goofy at that moment, unlike when I was messing with Mem-Cho. I had an interesting feeling about this place. Not exactly this onsen, but that thing on the east.

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