[112] The Imperium of Man and its Doctrine in this New World

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Chapter 112: The Imperium of Man and its Doctrine in this New World

[Third Person Point of View]

The wielders of Durandal and Hauteclere, Xenovia and Irina, moved sneakily as they followed a group of students.

"I think we should have reached out to the church first," Irina said in a nervous tone.

"We will, after we confirm his address. It's better this way." Xenovia insisted. "Or else we'd need to follow him some other day, which will only delay things."

Xenovia and Irina were dispatched by the church to search for the lost holy swords. They knew it was somewhere in Kuoh City that's why they reached out to Rias and Sona, who were in charge of this city.

Who could have guessed that a Goddess from another religion would overshadow their meeting?

Excluding the conflicting emotion in their heart that came from the knowledge that Gods other than the God of the Bible existed in this world, they were further surprised by something else. A human, a boy who was younger than themselves, was strong enough to defeat a Goddess.

If men could kill Gods, were Gods truly worthy of worship?

So they decided to follow him. They had no real idea why they were following him, just a gut feeling.

After he defeated the Goddess, they were hoping to talk to him, but he was too busy with the others. The Satans asked the two of them about their reason for being there, but for some reason, they decided not to tell them. Their quest for the swords seemed meager in front of this bigger situation.

So they just took their leave silently and waited outside the school. Until he came out and they started following him.

Now, they were in a neighborhood that was reported by them by the church.

"Wait, isn't this the same neighborhood where Asia Argento has been suspected to be seen?" Irina said with a blink. Suddenly, their baseless stalking had a reason.

Was this the gut feeling they had? They were suspicious about Aqua suddenly.

Asia Argento was sent from Vatican City to Japan, under the Fallen Angel's shadow. The holy church itself didn't know that in the beginning. But they learned about it a few days ago that Asia was nearby. But the higher-ups, the Angels apparently, told the church to leave Asia be. That she wasn't worth finding, despite her power.

That's why despite having a location, no one had come to look for her again.

While Irina and Xenovia weren't here to search for her, they knew Asia was related to the Fallen Angels. Coincidentally, there was suspicion that the Holy Swords were stolen by the Fallen Angels. So could there be some kind of connection here...?

After a bit more following later, Aqua and his group stopped in front of a house. The gates were opened by a... white tiger cub? They entered the front yard without any surprise and rang the bell.

Xenovia and Irina watched in silence as the door opened and... Asia Argento was seen greeting them.

"Holy... this is it," Xenovia gasped while Irina hit her wrist for almost cursing.

"Let's back off now," Irina said as Aqua and the girls walked into the house, and the door closed behind them. "He is the strongest person near this area, so there is a high chance that he truly has one of the swords with him. We'll see."

"I don't think you will." A voice replied. It wasn't Xenovia.

Both girls paused, and then jumped back, turning around in the air as they took out their swords and faced the enemy.

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