[165] At the Dragon God's Divine Nest

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Chapter 165: At the Dragon God's Divine Nest

"Onii-chan! Aqua! Open the door! Or I'm opening it myself!" Ruby's voice woke me up as I blinked at the ceiling.

That little time was time wasted, the door swung open and Ruby stormed inside with a wide smile on her face.

"We returned from the tri-...."

Ruby's voice cut off as her eyes registered the scene inside. I woke myself up, with a blanket resting over my body, and Akeno sleeping on my left arm, her arms hugging my chest and her lips pressed against my skin.

"Ah, you're back," I ruffled Akeno's hair and greeted Ruby. "Go freshen up. I need a shower too. I'll see you at breakfast."

"....." Ruby's cheerful expression dropped and she looked at me for a long moment. Then she stepped out of the door, no, she stomped out while slamming the door hard as she left.

Huh, what's up with her? It's not news to her that I sleep around, so her reaction was odd to me. These girls need to stop.

I gently shook Akeno to her up, accepting the kiss she threw against my lips, and pulled her into the shower.


"Oh, Aqua is here! Hey-"

Once we headed to the dining room for breakfast, the girls turned their heads to me and Shoko greeted me with a wide smile and a wave of her hand.

Her entire body paused when she noticed Akeno walking behind me, and from the way both our hair glistened, indicating our recent shower, she could guess that we'd spent the night together. Kana must have noticed that too, as she clenched her jaw for a moment before letting out a sigh.

"Sup," I waved back at her, while Akeno followed after me. I helped her by drawing a chair for her to sit on and followed suit.

"...You two look like you just came out of a shower," Memmy didn't bother to hide her thoughts and spoke out loud.

I blinked and smiled at her, "Ah yes. She and I were dealing with some blood and other stains last night. We had to clean it, I'm sure none of you would enjoy such a bad smell early in the morning."

Ruby kept her head lowered as she ate her food, a frown playing on her brows. I also noticed Ai acting like I wasn't there; she was mad at me. Akeno and I explored each other in the bedroom of an Instant Dungeon copy of our house so that Ai couldn't have seen or heard us in action, so she must have seen us sleeping on the bed naked with her X-ray eyes. Did she stalk us?

Unlike the two, the other girls were fools, oblivious to any of it. So my lies made their faces relax. Unfortunately, my partner in crime was Akeno.

And she found the situation far too amusing to let it pass this easily.

"Oh~?" She leaned against my body, her chest pressing against my arm, while she brought her lips near my ears to whisper. But her tone, as she spoke, was far from a whisper. "You're going to hide what we did last night from them~? Am I nothing but a side piece to you, you bad, bad man~?"

"...." I turned to her with a deadpan look in my eyes, noticing her amused smirk and the girls at the table began to fume. Tsubasa and Mem just shook their heads and took a sip of their drink, not even surprised, while the indifferent Ai burst out laughing.

How did she of all people find this amusing?

The girls glared at me, while I began to explain bullshit to try to save myself, but my reputation was far gone for any of it to work.

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