[46] The Volcano Goddess

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Chapter 46: The Volcano Goddess

[Third Person Point of View]

Inside the Middle Shore, the Dungeon, a group of two humans, one devil, and one yokai were gathered on a waterfall.

This was inside a forest; in the outside world, this area was the town where they had eaten yakiniku. On this side of the world, it was a lush forest with magical water streams.

The water from the waterfall crashed down from the rocky peaks above, forming a swirling fog that obscured the ground beneath. Sparkling with a multitude of colors, the water spilled down from the cascade in silvery trickles that flowed into the air, gently falling upon everything within its surroundings. The air around the waterfall was filled with a light, magical mist that glistened in the sunlight and filled the space with a sense of wonder. The constant sound of the waterfall filled the atmosphere, mixing with the chirping of the forest's wildlife and the soft rustling of the leaves in the trees.

Aqua was under the waterfall, sitting in a crossed-legged position and devouring all the mana in the air. Lightning Qi was rare here, but since his Path was a mixed one he could manage this without focusing on individual affinities. He could always gather that later when the Heavenly Tribulation will strike him.

The girls, on the other hand, were looking at him and chatting amongst themselves while soaking their legs in the water stream.

"Is that safe?"

"Well, he's not dead."

Akane looked at him concerned but Mem just shrugged. That waterfall was strong, staying under it for more than half a minute would crush a normal man. But he was just fine.

"I would have never guessed Aqua is into this serious level of meditation," Mai said, looking at Aqua.

"Me too," Akane nodded, looking at the serious expression Aqua had as he sat under the waterfall. "He is usually flirty and cheerful. But now he's like a different person. You think all of it before was acting?"

"Who knows, really." Mai shrugged and then observed the area. "By the way, Mem-Cho, are you sure this place is safe? My ears are picking up the movements of some seriously dangerous monsters. If they come here... we are as good as dead."

"I don't know, I just trust him. Since he said it's fine, it must be." Mem-Cho looked at the line of runes that circled this area. "He said it's Rune Magic or something. It's clearly working to keep the monsters away, otherwise, they'd have been here by now."

"How long do we have to wait?" Akane asked. "It's already evening, I think. I am not sure due to the fog."

Mem-Cho laid back on her back. "No idea, that bastard didn't specify a time... Haah. Can we take a dip in the water then?"


It wasn't any of the girls who replied that it was Aqua as he stood up under the waterfall and stepped out. He walked on water, an aura of heaviness around him.

"The energy is too pure for you girls, especially Akane. She would receive some physical benefits at first, but if she dips more than a threshold, she'll die." He said as he waved his hand and a strong wind aura cleared off the fog.

"Ah, I see." Akane looked frightened as she said. "Hey, Aqua, why did you bring me here?"

Aqua looked at her, then he smiled in his usual way, reaching out a hand to play with a strand of her hair. "Aren't you a princess from a magical kingdom? I really mistook you for one – you're so cute, after all – so I brought you here. You don't mind, right?"

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