[61] The Universe is Unfair

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Chapter 61: The Universe is Unfair

The bell rang not long after Rias left, so I had to put an end to my break and return to class.

Classes ended some long and boring few hours later. Still, the day was good. Nobody irritated me, so I didn't feel any urge of genocide. Now I could finally leave.

"Does your 'boyfriend' still come to pick you up?" I asked Shoko as we walked by the paved road leading to the gate, referring to her little sister.

"Yes, she does," Shoko replied cheerfully. "I'm really lucky to have her, aren't I? I'm glad I am not as much of a problem to her as before."

"That does sound lovely," I agreed. Ruby should learn from that little girl.

We reached the gate and waited. Speaking of the devil, Ruby called for me as she walked towards us. Tsubasa and Kana were with her.

"Idiot Onii-Chan!" Ruby waved at me, still salty about the kiss on the nose when she should be happy and giddy.

"Hey," Tsubasa smiled at me from behind the energetic blonde.

Beside them was Kana, the short redhead who was looking at me with a frown. And when I looked back, she looked away with a hmph. What?

"Looks like you 'enjoyed' your little trip, congratulations," Arima Kana muttered in an almost inaudible voice.

"Yeah, thanks, Loli-Senpai." Thoughts that were usually intrusive in my head, acted on their own as I reached out a hand and patted the stunned little girl. "How've you been? I heard you have been working with Ruby?"

"Y-you! You!" She slapped my hand away. "What did you just call me?! Ugh, you two siblings! And don't pat me, I am older than you!"

"Hah—" I let out a laugh at that hilarious last line. Nice delivery.

Lil Kana seemed to have had enough as she burst out like a volcano and began to throw hands. It was oddly cute, her hands had a hard time hitting my face so she just hit me in the chest. It felt like... flocks of feather balls bouncing off my chest.

She stopped a minute later, panting heavily as she shot me a glare. "Tomorrow I have to go to your place to shoot something. Pray that we don't cross paths because I won't hold back next time!"

"And you pray that we don't cross paths in a private space..." I warned her with an evil look on my face.

"...." Kana stared at me, and then quickly hid behind Tsubasa. "He's joking, right?"

"Um..." Tsubasa, who had an interesting encounter with me in a private space before, stayed silent.

A few minutes later, Yuzuru came to pick Shoko up. The girl kept staring at me with odd eyes, pulling Shoko away from me and leaving the area as soon as she could. I was planning to talk to her for a bit, but it seems she had mixed impressions about me.

The four of us left the school gate, caught a train, parted ways with Kana, and three of us reached our home.

"Come to my house's gym in half an hour," I told Tsubasa before she left.

* * *

On qué, half an hour later Tsubasa came to the gym. She wasn't the only one, in fact, there were three other ladies present.

I wore a tee shirt and trousers, while three of the four girls wore clothes suitable for the gym. Only Asia wore a casual gown as she had ice cream and watched us from a chair.

In particular, Ruby looked cute in her dolphin shorts and black tank top. Tsubasa was too shy in the tight clothes to display her full charm.

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