[16] The Way of a Reincarnator

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Chapter 16: The Way of a Reincarnator

Note - Enjoy the extra chapter! In exchange, share the story? 😫

The shooting ended soon, and we were allowed to go our own ways. I noticed Yuki Sumi lingering around me a few times, but she never had the courage to come talk to me again that day. I didn't want to play along and left.

I was in the mood for some air, the evening sky was darkening, this was my favorite time of the day, so I didn't call an Uber. At [Gold] rank, my previous techniques were stronger, and I also had access to new techniques. I guess I could test them out now rather than later by running home with a movement skill.

Until [Jade], I only trained in the third basic technique of Path of the Raging Sky. In Gold, there are three minor ranks within it—Low, High, and True, that all allow four techniques. Three from Wind, Water, and Lightning, and a new one from Cloud—which was a mixture of wind and water, an advanced Qi, so it was only available starting Gold.

As I was in True Gold already, I could learn all twelve techniques anytime, four of which were movement techniques.

While walking by the Sumida River, I paused and closed my eyes. While breathing the gentle air of the river, I concentrated and looked into my Soul Reflection; this technique showed a lot about me, I could even make a [Status Page] right out of a System Novel if I wanted to, but that's just the status, which is kind of distracting, personally, since I have nothing to compare it with, so I only use this to recall memories instead.

That's precisely what I was doing right now, recalling the memories of the movement techniques I wanted to learn. I brought them up in an imaginary hologram panel in my head. Though I must mention, they weren't the original three-movement techniques that Path of the Raging Sky encouraged me to learn in Gold rank, instead, I chose the best ones from my vast knowledge that suited the four Qi-types I had.


Nimbus Stride: With the use of Cloud Qi, this technique allows the user to step on the sky, air, and clouds, essentially walking and running on thin air as if it were solid ground.

Body Flicker Technique: With the help of Wind Qi, this technique permits the user to move so fast that they appear as a blur, making it challenging for others to follow their movements.

Reflecting Pool: The user attunes their body with Water Qi, allowing them to meld with reflective surfaces like mirrors or still water. They can step into these surfaces, seemingly vanishing from one location and reappearing in another.

Thunderstep: This technique involves striking the ground with a burst of Lightning Qi, creating shockwaves that propel the user into the air. They can chain multiple Thundersteps together to perform mid-air maneuvers or reach elevated positions.


All four were interesting choices, but I was in the mood for seeing the sky. It's not as if I was abandoning the other techniques, if I learn one technique this week, I can just choose another next week. So, I went for the Nimbus Stride.

I reopened my eyes, having chosen the technique. Upon choosing it, my memories of this technique became more clear, as if I had just read it, seen someone perform it, and also understood it.

I took a step forward, but instead of stepping on the ground, I was stepping on thin air. I stepped with my other feet, and suddenly I stood a few inches above the ground. Then I kicked the air and made my way towards the high sky, and then to my home.

It felt good. Under the wind from the east and the sun from the west, I felt calm for a moment. Sadly, it was not calming enough to help me sort out my mind. To my soon-to-be surprise, reaching home did help me sort everything out.

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