Until You Try - Damon Salvatore

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He couldn't be more pleasant to watch as he maneuvered around the kitchen as he and Stefan cooked dinner for the whole gang. Everyone buzzed around with different stories of the past and different memories they had whether it was ones we all shared or ones they had personally.

Damon's stories mostly stemmed from the 1920s and I hung onto every last word since that had always been one of my favorite eras of interest for... well forever. It all sounds so fascinating to hear about. Especially coming from the eldest Salvatore's mouth who lived it all himself.

Stefan would tell stories of his own from the 20s but he'd also share from other times as well. Caroline shared some memories from high school. Some are more overdramatized than others, but I digress. Elena and Jeremy shared some stories they had from when their parents were alive and other different times. Bonnie, Tyler, and Matt all shared some of their own tales as well. But to be honest, I couldn't tell you what anybody else's stories were about. I really wasn't paying all that much attention to them.

I excused myself to the bathroom for a moment after one of Damon's stories. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Caroline get up and follow me. Never too close but close enough to where I could still just barely hear her footsteps behind me.

It took me a moment to come out because I just knew that she would be waiting on me out in the hallway. When I opened the bathroom door my suspicions were confirmed. I nearly ran into her when walking out.

"Good Lord, Caroline. Could you not be right there when I open the door next time?"

"Sorry." She apologized. "But we need to have a little chat."

"What do you mean we need to have a chat. About what?" I questioned as I slipped past her and started my way back towards the kitchen where everyone else still was.

Caroline grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "Oh, don't act so clueless, (y/n). You know exactly what about." When I gave her a shrug, she let out a dramatic sigh. "About how it's hella obvious on how you like Mr. Damon Salvatore."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Come on, Care, not this again." I sighed and went back on my way.

"Oh yes, this again. (y/n/n), you can't run from your feelings for him forever. It doesn't work like that." The blonde argued back.

"And why don't it? Hmm? Because he doesn't feel the same way back."

Caroline let out a little airy huff and shook her head. "You really are clueless."

"I'm not clueless, Caroline. It's as plain as day, Damon doesn't feel the same."

She shook her head again. "(Y/N), it's obviously the other way around. By the way he acts when you're around. Oh, not to mention how all night the only tales he's been telling are from the 20s, your favorite era of all time. I can totally see that he's into you."

Caroline seemed so sure of herself that she was correct. But I know differently. Damon couldn't possibly like me back because I've seen the way he looked at Elena and how he is when she's around.

"It's not how he is with me, Care, that's Elena that makes him that way. "

"But it's not Elena. It's you!" She whispered. "Besides, she's with Stefan anyway. "

"Are you forgetting the whole Katherine debacle?" I questioned her.

She rolled those blue eyes of hers once more and shook her head. "Not the point." Caroline sighed again in almost defeat. "Look, my point is you don't know if you don't try." And with that she walked away.

I watched as she walked back down the hallway towards the kitchen. In the back of my mind, I thought about the possibility of her being right about Damon returning my feelings, but my recurring thought was how wrong she really was. Caught up in thought, I didn't realize how much time had actually passed until I was knocked back into reality by Mr. Salvatore himself.

"Hey, are you okay?" He questioned. "You've been gone for a good minute."

I nodded at him. "Oh, yeah, I just got caught up in my head is all." I answered with a small, gentle smile.

Damon let out an airy chuckle. "Well don't get too caught up in there," He stated as he tapped my temple lightly. "you might get lost. "

I let out a small giggle and nodded. "Very true."

"Now come on." he said and stepped to the side. "Stefan's plating up dinner and we got your favorite baking away in the oven."

"You didn't make (favorite dessert), did you?"

He smiled sweetly and nodded. "That we did."

I practically ran to the kitchen.

Stefan laughed as he saw me quickly make my way into the room. "I take it as you told her about the baking in progress."

"That I did." Damon replied with a laugh of his own.

Once everyone had gotten their plates, we all took our places at the table. Damon sitting between Elena and I. We were all in the middle of deep conversation with one another about all kinds of stupid stuff when Damon leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Caroline's right, you know? You don't know if you don't try."

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