Eternal Beauty - Klaus Mikaelson

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The grandeur atmosphere of the Mikaelson compound had always left me in awe. It was a sprawling masterpiece of history and luxury, and I often found myself getting lost in its labyrinthine corridors. Today was no different, as I stood by one of the ornate windows, my gaze fixed on the mesmerizing view of the New Orleans skyline. A peaceful sight in and of its own nature.

"You look a million miles away, love. What's on your mind?" a lush British accent, laced with a hint of amusement, questioned and pulled me from my dazed reverie.

I turned to find Mr. Niklaus Mikaelson, leaning against a nearby pillar. His piercing blue eyes held a curiosity that seemed to see right through me as I gazed into them.

I offered him a faint smile, appreciating the distraction from my thoughts. "Just lost in thought. You know how it is."

Klaus dared to move closer, his presence commanding the room. "Care to share those thoughts, YNN?"

I hesitated for a moment as I decided whether to confide in him or not. After all, Klaus had a way of understanding people, even when he seemed the most unpredictable. "It's just... sometimes, I can't help but wonder about the world beyond these walls. The centuries you've lived, the things you've seen. It's both fascinating and overwhelming. I, myself have seen most of the same things. Maybe not as many, but a good few none-the-less. Though we've been in this... state for so long that it often makes me wonder what it would be like to be human once more."

Nik nodded; his expression thoughtful. "Ah, the burden of immortality. It does tend to weigh on the mind, doesn't it?"

I chuckled softly. "You often make it sound like a curse."

Niklaus leaned against the window frame, his piercing eyes never leaving mine. "Wouldn't you think of it as such at times? Although it also allows us to witness the world's beauty and cruelty in ways that mortals can only dream of."

I considered his words, finding a strange kind of solace in them. "I suppose you're right. It is cause for a unique perspective."

Klaus smiled, his features softening. "Indeed, it is. And in this endless journey, one finds moments of solace and companionship that make it all worthwhile. Like we have found each other within the midst of it all."

A gentle breeze blowing through the YHC strands of my hair as I nodded at the man's deep statement. As we continued our conversation, I couldn't help but appreciate the depth of Klaus's character. Beneath his fierce exterior lay a complex and contemplative soul, and I was grateful for the chance to connect with him on a level that transcended the supernatural.

Niklaus inclined his head, his gaze forever fixed on mine. "Tell me, YN, what's been weighing on your mind lately? There's a story behind those eyes."

I hesitated, unsure if I should share my inner turmoil with him. But there was something about Klaus that made me feel comfortable, as if he were just the person who could understand the depths of my thoughts. "To tell you the truth, Niklaus," I confessed. "I've seen friends grow old and pass away while I remain the same. It's the constant reminder of my immortality. You, your family, forever staying the only constants I've had in my life for a good while. So many friends and family who I have watched grow up, grow old but here I am, hundreds of years old with no room to show for it."

Klaus nodded in understanding, his expression softening with empathy. "A blessing and a curse, isn't it? We gain the gift of time but suffer the pain of outliving those we care about."

I sighed, my gaze returning to the cityscape beyond the window. "Exactly. It's like I'm frozen in time while the world keeps moving forward."

Nik took a step closer, his voice gentle. "But YNN, you must remember that your unique perspective allows you to appreciate the beauty of the world in ways that others cannot. You can find wonder in the simplest of things, knowing that they won't last forever and the things that do, well, they're not a real wonder at all. If things are to last forever without ever changing, then their beauty can often fall short no matter how beautiful it may seem."

His words resonated with me, and I found myself looking at him with gratitude. "You always have a way of putting things into perspective, Nik."

He offered a small smile. "It comes with the age, I suppose. Centuries of reflection tend to do that."

We continued to talk, delving into the intricacies of life, mortality, and the beauty of fleeting moments. Niklaus shared stories from his long existence, each tale more captivating than the last, and I couldn't help but be drawn into his world even more so than I already was.

As the conversation flowed, I realized that there was a depth to Klaus Mikaelson that went beyond his infamous reputation. He was more than just a hybrid with a thirst for reign; he was a philosopher, an artist, and a survivor. And in that moment, as we shared our thoughts and experiences, I felt a connection with him that transcended the supernatural.

In Niklaus, I had found a kindred spirit who understood the complexities of immortality, and I was grateful for the chance to share my thoughts and feelings with him. It was a conversation that left me with a sense of solace and companionship, a reminder that even in the world of everything that could bump in the night, there was room for deep and meaningful connections.

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