Her Walls - Matt Donovan

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She was a mystery to me. I've known her for years but I have never been able to get her to open up to me. Her father says she's heavily guarded within her own mind and had been since her mother left. (Y/N) Saltzman had built up walls that were hard as hell t knock down even slightly.

It was hard to believe that Elena was her sister when we all found out but it didn't take long for us to start seeing the similarities between the two. But Elena has a privacy fence up and lets a few things slip past through the gaps. (Y/N) has a whole concrete palace wall with around-the-clock guards included.

The (Y/E/C) eyed girl spends most of her time at home and away from everyone. Ric says that when Isobel had Damon turn her and left, (Y/N) kept her distance from everyone but him. Said she was afraid of getting close to people just for them to leave or die as her mother had done.

"At first, after Isobel's service, it was hard to get her to open up to me even." Ric said as we stood in his classroom after school. "It broke her into a million pieces and had no way to mend those pieces back together."

"How did she do when she found out what really happened to her?" I asked.

He raised his eyebrows for a moment and then said, "(Y/N/N) was pissed at Damon for a good little while. He was the first person she really trusted to open up with and (Y/N) felt that if he couldn't tell her what had really happened to her mother when he knew, how could she keep telling the things she kept near and dear to someone who she thought cared about her and her feelings."

"But he did care." I stated. Everyone knew that the oldest Salvatore didn't care about many people. That was something he didn't even have to try to pretend to do. But when it came to the Saltzman girl, Damon had only one concern. Her.

"From the word go. Damon didn't tell her because Isobel didn't want her to know. The only things she cared about were us not finding out and herself. But of course (Y/N) wouldn't take that answer till Isobel, herself, told her this." Ric explained as he sat down at his desk. "With that and the fact that she now had a sister she never knew about weighing in her chest, (Y/N/N) ran to Damon apologizing and he held her for literally days while she tried to process everything." My history teacher looked at me with a confused face. "Why are you so interested in my daughter now after so many years?"

"I've been trying to get to know her for a long time, Ric. (Y/N) makes it a little hard when she doesn't talk to anyone outside of you, Damon, and Elena." I reply and sit down at a desk in the front row.

"I mean you're not wrong but why?"

I shrugged. "Everyone deserves someone to talk to out of their normal circle to give them a biased opinion."

Alaric nodded. "I know my daughter better than anyone and even though I completely agree with you, I know that she's been that way for a very long time for a reason. A very good one at that. (Y/N/N) will not make it easy for you. It took a long time for her to trust Damon and Elena. She's around Stefan all the time, the best one you can have around to talk to but she still refuses to open the gate for him." I gave him an understanding nod as he continued. "Matt, I trust you with her. I trust you a hell of a lot more than most. But (Y/N) is very weary with who she trusts."

"I don't blame her though. Her mother took her trust and ran away with it. Causing her so much pain in the process. I understand that but that isn't going to get me to try any less." I stated as I stood up from the desk and pulled my book bag onto my shoulder.

"Good luck, Matt. You're going to need it." He said with a smile.

I let out an airy laugh. "Thanks."

— — —

Later that afternoon, I was working at the grill when Damon come walking in with the Saltzman girl close behind. He whispered something to her and gave her a pat on the back before heading to the bar. The (Y/H/C) haired girl sat down in the first empty booth she came to and looked over at me with a smile.

I sent her a smile in return before greeting the oldest Salvatore brother. "Hey. I see you got her to get out of the house."

He nodded. "It didn't take much effort. I promised her food and the book she's been wanting. She was sold to the idea after that."

"You knew I had already got it, didn't you?" I asked him. I had overheard (Y/N) talking to her sister the other day about this new book circling the internet recently and from what she had heard it was interesting. So I went out and got it for her just to get into her good graces.

He nodded once more. "Wouldn't happen to have it on you, would you?"

"In the truck." I stated then I gave him a curious look. "Why are you helping me with this?"

"Because I'm looking out for her and she needs someone other than me to vent to. Plus a certain little birdie told me you had a liking for a certain (Y/H/C) haired, (Y/E/C) eyed Saltzman girl. There's no one more we trust than you." Damon said as he sat down.

"Caroline told you?"

The Salvatore shook his head. "What? No. Not Caroline. Elena." He stated. "Who Caroline did tell."

I rolled my eyes. "Jeremy, man the bar real quick. I got to run out to my truck." I said and threw down the bar towel on my shoulder. Damon's smirk was visible in the corner of my eye as I passed him. When I passed (Y/N), she had her head down, of course in a book, but looked my way when I walked by.

A few moments later I walked back into the grill with the book in hand and walked up to the table she was sitting at. "Mind if I sit here for a second?"

"Sure. Go ahead." She said.

For being a guarded girl, she was far from being shy. Maybe it's because her dad was a high school teacher. Or it was so no one cared to ask her so many questions.

"So..." I said as I sat down on the other side of the table from her. "I was told I may have something you've been quite interested in getting yourself."

(Y/N) looked back up from the book she was currently reading and said, "Is that so?" Giving her a nod, I smiled. "What would that be?"

I placed the book down on the table in front of her. "That would be it."

Her (Y/E/C) eyes lit up like Christmas light when she saw the back cover. "It's not." (Y/N)'s voice was riddled with disbelief as she spoke. But then she turned it over. It didn't take much to put a smile on her face when it came to books. "What? How? You can only get this in the city bookstores. Damon was taking me tomorrow to get it since dad has meetings all day."

"Who do you think told me?" I jokingly asked knowing he did no such thing. "I had to meet my mother, sadly enough, and saw it in the bookstore window and thought I'd go ahead and pick it up for you. According to the lady at the register, the sequel to it is supposed to be released by the end of September." I said loving how big her smile had gotten.

"Matt, you didn't have to do that."

"I know but I did."

(Y/N) looked up at me with her smile still wide on her face. "Thank you"

It wasn't much but it was a start. Sooner or later the drawbridge will come down to let me in. When it does, I'll be ready with my arms wide open to hold her when she needs me to and ears ready to listen to all that troubles her. But until then that smile is reward enough. 

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