Moonlit Reunion - Elijah Mikaelson

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The moonlight bathed the secluded clearing in a silvery glow, casting long shadows among the trees and the small pond that sat in the middle of it all. It had been two centuries since I had last seen my brother, Elijah. Our family's complicated history and relentless pursuit of power had torn us apart, scattering us across the world. But now, in this tranquil place far from Mystic Falls, I was about to be reunited with him after two centuries of nothing but our weekly letters helping us communicate.

I heard the soft rustling of leaves, and then he appeared before me, his tall, imposing figure stepping into the moonlight. Elijah's dark hair and piercing blue eyes were as I remembered them, but there was a weariness in his expression that spoke of the centuries he had lived. Ever the one for the finer things, Eli wore a nice suit that spoke well of the mysterious look I do believe he was going for.

"YN," he said, his voice a mixture of relief and sorrow as he approached me. "It's been far too long, little sister."

I couldn't help but smile, rushing forward to embrace him. "Eli, it's good to see you. Gods, have I missed you."

We held each other for a moment, the weight of our separation slowly lifting from our shoulders as we just stood there relishing the feeling. Then, we pulled away, and Elijah's gaze grew somber. "I wish I could say I was here for a joyous reunion, but I bring news. News I'm sure you are not going to take as well as I'm truly hoping."

I furrowed my brow, a sense of foreboding washing over me. "What's wrong, Elijah?"

He took a deep breath before speaking, his words heavy with concern. "Niklaus is close to finding the Doppelganger. He's been moving quite close in the past weeks. Whether or not he knows you are there as well has yet to be seen but I wouldn't put anything past our brother."

My heart sank at the mention of Niklaus, our volatile brother who was always a step away from chaos. The Doppelganger, Elena Gilbert, was one of my closest friends, and the thought of her falling into Niklaus's hands filled me with dread. Something I have tried my hardest to keep from happening. I know that it was probably Katerina that led him to her when she came into town.

"Are you certain?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Elijah nodded gravely. "I've been tracking his movements for some time. He's been relentless in his pursuit, and he's closing in on Elena."

"Dammit, Katerina." I whispered to myself. "Lead him straight for her."

My mind raced as I considered the implications. If Niklaus found Elena, it would bring unimaginable danger to Mystic Falls and put all my friends at risk. I had to protect them. Could it possibly end whatever was left of our relationship with each other? Yes, I was more than prepared for that. Could I end up in a coffin in a dark corner of the world where Elijah won't find me along with the rest of our siblings? Oh, that was more than likely to happen. But I couldn't let Nik hurt them. Not a single one.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Eli?" I asked, my voice tinged with frustration.

He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I wanted to, YNN, but I needed to confirm my suspicions. I couldn't risk alarming you without concrete information."

I nodded, understanding his reasoning. Despite the time that had passed, Elijah had always been a careful and strategic thinker. "What do we do now?" I asked him and looked up to him, pleading for advice.

Elijah's gaze was unwavering as he replied, "We must gather our allies, prepare for the inevitable confrontation with Niklaus, and ensure Elena's safety. We have no time to lose."

I scoffed slightly. "That's easier said than done. We have lost a lot of the allies we had because of Niklaus. It's going to be quite difficult to find the ones we have left." I stated as I ran my hand through my hair in a frustrated manner.

"Those Salvatores you speak highly of; would you consider them ready for this?" Eli questioned.

I shrugged slightly. "They are strong and quick witted but ready to take on Nik..." My voice trailed as I thought of Stefan and Damon, what they're capable of and how strong I know our brother has gotten over the last thousand years. "I couldn't tell you. With us around they might have a chance but by themselves, I don't want to predict what I cannot see working out."

"Do you trust them?" My brother asked as his eyes searched mine.

"Only slightly less than you." I commented looking back at him. An answer I never given to anyone else quicker. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that I didn't trust those two brothers with my life. Not that they could do much, more so me saving them, but the sentiment was still there.

"That's all I need to know." He states as he took a loving hold of my hand. "Go home. Warn them. I will be there in due time, and we will come up with whatever plan we can. Until then, keep the Doppelganger safe. You've done well at that so far; I have no less hope that you will continue to do just as you have been." Elijah leaned in and placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Be safe, YNN. I'll see you soon."

I gave him a nod. "You too, Eli. I love you, brother." "I love you too." He said with a loving smile and then he disappeared like the wind.

I stood there looking back onto the pond in the middle of the clearing as it rippled under the moonlight for a moment as I collected my thoughts before heading back towards Mystic Falls. Though I knew Eli and I were ready for whatever our brother had to throw our way, I just hope Stefan and Damon were prepared for what I had to tell them as soon as I stepped back into that house.

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