Please Wake Up - Stefan Salvatore

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Sometimes I wished I turned her when she had asked me months ago. Sometimes I think she would be safer as a vampire. This moment was one of those times. Out of all the dangerous things out there that could hurt her from Klaus to Katherine, hell either me or Damon at times the thing that has her in a coma in a hospital bed is a very bad car accident

Alaric, having full parental rights over her, since her parents died when she was only 10, got the call while we were all at the school, decorating the gym for the next decade dance. I could see the happiness drain from his face from the other side of the gym. Ric dropped everything he had after he hung up the phone.

I couldn't find the strength to ask what had happened, but all he had to do was not towards the door, and I was taking off after him.

"What's going on?!" Caroline called after us. "Yeah, what happened?!" Elena called out.

"(Y/N/N) was in a serious car accident as she headed back into town!" That was all Ric said back to them. The two of us hopped into my car and took off like a bat out of hell. "I knew I should've taken the time off and gone with her to visit them. I knew it. I should've known something was wrong when she stopped texting me half an hour ago. The last thing she had told me was that she had gotten stuck in traffic."

I couldn't think of words to say to stop him from rambling on. My mind was only on one thing. (Y/N). I got to the hospital as fast as I could get us there. The car was barely in park before her uncle and I was running into the building's entrance. We were guided to her room, almost instantly. It's where we've been ever since. Both of us had pulled up a chair to her bedside him on one side and me on the other.

Meredith had come in a few minutes ago to tell us the extent of her damage. Mostly the impact and rolling in the car caused a few broken ribs, a broken arm, and a severe concussion that she had yet to wake up from. It had felt like hours since we got up to her room when in reality, it only had been half of one. (Y/N) looked so helpless laying there. Her head had been busted open, her left arm was casted and in a sling and she had lost a lot of her color from the blood loss.

I had half a mind to give her some of my blood, but almost everyone in this hospital has seen her. So here I sit waiting on my girlfriend to wake up and get well enough so we can take her home and I can do just that.

After about another half hour of waiting, Damon came in with coffee for me and Ric. "How's she doing?" He asked as he sat down on the couch on the far side of the room.

Ric shook his head and looked over at my brother. "The police and doctors say she's lucky to be alive. Cops showed me images of the wreck site and her car. Damon, her car is beyond totaled. It looked like someone rolled it over with a steamroller. From witness reports and the view from the other car involved, the driver of the other car had blown a tire and lost control. They hit her and she rolled. (Y/N)'s got some broken ribs, a broken arm, and a severe concussion."

Throughout their whole discussion, I stayed still and quiet. I barely heard anything the two of them were saying. My focus was on (Y/N/N) and when she would wake up.

"Stefan?" I heard Ric's voice say. So I looked up at him. He and Damon were now standing by the doorway.

"You need food, brother?" Damon questioned.

I just shook my head. "I'm good. I'm going to stay here with her in case she wakes up." They both nodded and headed out the door. Looking back at, (Y/N) I folded my hands together and rested my chin upon them. "Baby please wake up. Please." I whispered.

An hour passed before Damon and Ric got back from getting dinner. They brought back something for me but I couldn't eat. Nothing about her condition had changed while they were gone. Not even the slightest finger movement. I kept silently praying that she would do something that would ease my mind. Even the smallest thing would do the trick.

Soon it had become morning and not one of us had slept a wink. Jeremy had called Damon a few hours ago for an update, but we had no news to tell him. That was his best friend lying here in this bed, and like all of us in this room right now, he's worried.

Meredith had come in again and a few nurses to change out fluids and meds. I knew she was in pain. I could sense it. At about 8 AM, Damon said he was taking Ric home to maybe get some rest, which he needed. The worrisome uncle was not about to get any rest while he stared at monitors and listened to beeping all day. So now it was just me and her.

I focused hard and closed my eyes for a moment when I opened them I was back at the Gilbert home. She was standing in the kitchen cooking something. (Y/N)'s happy place had always been home. It was no shock she was there.

"You took your time didn't you?" Her voice said without her turning around. "Your brother's already been here."

"He has? I'm sorry baby." I replied, with pure disappointment with myself riddled in my voice.

"What's wrong Stef?" (Y/N/N)'s voice was worried, and when she turned around her face was riddled with it as well. "If you're upset with yourself about Damon being here first, then don't be."

"Did he tell you what happened?" I asked.

(Y/N/N) shook her head. "Other than I needed to wake up and smell the roses, which would oddly smell like a hospital. I got the gist of it, but he didn't tell me anything." She turned back around and turned the stove off, then walked around the island over to me. "Said you would come in soon enough and have all the answers. "

I took her hand in mine and pulled her close. "You were in a wreck on the way home from visiting your parents' graves."

She nodded and looked at me. "How bad do I got it out there?"

Letting out a small chuckle, I said "Whoever was on your side yesterday afternoon knew what they were doing because all you got were a few broken ribs, a broken arm, a small cut on that beautiful head of yours, and a concussion."

"The other person?"

"Just a broken collarbone and nose from the impact. It wasn't their fault but their tire blew out and you didn't have time to react."

Her head tilted slightly, and she nodded. "Yeah, that tracks."

"Thought you said Damon didn't tell you anything." I said, with a head tilt of my own.

"I do remember the sound of a tire blowing somewhere on the road but everything else was new to me." She admitted. "Is Uncle Ric outside?"

I shook my head. "None of us got any sleep. We've been waiting for you to wake up. Damon took him home to try and get some sleep." She nodded inside. "Everyone's worried about you, baby girl."

"I'm afraid to feel the pain when I wake up, Stefan."

My face grew into one of understanding. "The sooner you wake up the sooner we can get you home and make it all go away. I promise." I said, kissing the top of her head.


I smiled at her. "I'll be waiting baby." When I came out of her head, it only took a few minutes for those beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes to flutter open slowly. I smiled and reached for her hand, giving it a little squeeze. "Welcome back baby girl." I pulled out my phone as soon as she gave me a small but weak smile to call Ric and Damon.

"Hello?" Damon answered.

"She's awake."

I could hear the side relief come from his end of the phone. "We'll be right there." 

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