His World's Sick - Damon Salvatore

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I could tell by just looking at her face that she was definite not feeling well today. She was rather pale compared to her usual warm complexion. I have to admit, it worried me. (Y/N) is my best friend, my sister in a way. The girl didn't get sick regularly. I know this because I would typically put drops of my blood in her morning coffee to keep her from getting sick. If (Y/N/N) ever found out, though, she would surely kick my ass. She is small but mighty for a human.

But Stefan and I have been away for a few weeks trying to find a specific collectible figure to complete (Y/N)'s fairy figurine collection her dad started when she was younger, for her birthday. Did we tell her this? No, of course not because it was a surprise. We did, however, tell her we were going to see if we could find any information on that stupid moonstone. Which... we definitely did not do. Well, Stefan tried to but failed and I just didn't care at all. It wasn't my mission at that pint in time.

We got back late last night and (Y/N/N) was already asleep by that time. Stefan tried to get me to wake her up enough to let her know that we were back, but I knew better than that. I knew (Y/N) better than anyone and I'm aware that the (Y/E/C) eyes girl sleeps with a stake under her pillow. I wasn't about to have her potentially kill me. So, I just left a note on her bedside table and let her sleep.

But when she woke up this morning, I could tell that while we were gone, she caught a small bug. (Y/N) had been sniffling since she woke up this morning. I know if I were to ask, she'd just say she was fine, knowing damn well that I knew better than that. So instead of coffee, I made her tea this morning. Without the blood, though. Coffee disguises the taste, tea doesn't really do that.

Again, (Y/N/N) would kick my ass if she found out. Though I could handle her no problem, I'd rather not have to. I haven't allowed her to do much of anything today and didn't plan to in the near future either. When (Y/N/N) got sick, even if she wasn't too sick now, it would get worse. So, it's going to be rest for her until further notice. At least until I can get some blood in her, then all will be good again.

The (Y/H/C) haired beauty spent most of the day on the couch watching TV and small foods. She kept insisting that she was okay, but I knew better and brushed her persistence to the side. Caroline tried to come steal her away for a shopping day, which by that time I had already convinced her to admit that she wasn't feeling well, not that I would have allowed her to go anyway. (I'm quite persistent myself... and protective.)

Stefan was nice enough to get some cold and flu medicine on his way home from the Gilbert's just in case she needed it. Which, by the end of the night, she did. I made her some soup for dinner, of course her favorite chicken noodle with a dash of Cajun seasoning to open the airways. Soon after finishing dinner, (Y/N/N) made her way back up to her room to lie down for the night.

"She any better?" Stefan asked as I came down from checking in on her about an hour later.

"Well, she's sleeping but now has a slight fever. She'll be better by the morning, though." I said as I took a seat on the other side of the couch he was sitting on.

"How are you certain?" He questioned.

"The same way I'm sure any other time." I responded with a slight grin.

"How'd you give it to her this time without her knowing?" He asked with a furrowed brow.

I held up the medicine bottle that he had brought home. "Not much. Just a few drops. Enough to ensure that she would get better, but not enough where she'd taste it."

He nodded. Stefan understood how much I truly cared for (Y/N) and knew why I did all that I did for her. It's all just to make sure she was okay and safe.

"Why don't you just ask her out? You care so much about her that you should just tell her already." Stefan said.

"(Y/N/N) knows how much I care for her, but asking her out... I'm just bad for her. She's so innocent, kind and warm-hearted and I'm just not. (Y/N) means the world to me and she deserves someone who can give her that. I can't and I know that, she knows that, hell Stef, everyone knows that. If I could, I would take her and run as far away from her as possible. Say to hell with the chick flick relationship crap first and marry her on the spot." I confessed.

"I think you believe very little of yourself. Well, that and you're blind." My brother said. I gave him a confused look and then he continued. "She's waiting on you to do exactly that, Damon. (Y/N/N) doesn't want anyone else to give her the world when her world has you in it. You are the only one who makes sure she's okay the way you do. You make sure she has everything she needs, everything she wants. Sure, (Y/N) knows how much you really care about her, but what she doesn't know is how much you truly love her. You should show her more of the Damon she and I know you can be. Once she's better, you should show her the world you want her to have that she only wants you to show her." He explained.

"I'll only mess it up." I stated as I placed the medicine bottle down on the end table.

My brother shook his head. "I don't believe that. You know her better anybody else around us does. We both know you'll do anything to keep her well, anything to keep her safe. Show her the real Damon and not just the badass Damon you show everyone else."

I nodded. "Maybe. I'll let her get better first." 

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