Childish Protector - Tyler Lockwood

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Being the shy one of the group can sometimes get you some unwanted attention. Especially from a certain hybrid that you would very much like to forget about completely. First, he causes havoc with my friends for his personal gain of hybridship and then he goes and turns my boyfriend into one of his little minions which I didn't much care much for at all. Now he has taken a certain liking of me and I just wish I could just disappear every time he's around. And when he is, I can feel Tyler's grasp on me tighten, not that I mind. The closer to Tyler I am, the better overall I feel.

Today was spent trying my best to be invisible to Klaus, so very hard to do by the way since he always knows everything about everyone and everywhere they may go. It's been hell on earth since he and his whole family made his way into Mystic Falls. Correction, he's made life a living hell since he walked into our little town. Sadly, I didn't have Tyler with me most of the day so I couldn't hide in him when the eldest Mikaelson showed up. Though it didn't take him long to show up when Klaus made his presence known to me.

When he and I got home, I threw down the shopping bags that I had, not bothering to go through them, and headed straight to our shared bedroom. Falling face first onto the bed and covering my head with a pillow. "Ugh!" I groaned.

Tyler walked into the bedroom and started to rub my back gently. I turned over, knocking the pillow off my head and looked at him. "Why does he choose to torment me?"

Ty sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap. "I don't know but I don't like it just as much as you."

I sighed and leaned into his hold. "I promise you that I hate all of this more than you do. It's gotten to be nonstop and I want it all to end. He'll end up being the death of me." I nuzzled my face into his neck as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You're being a little over dramatic there, (Y/N/N)." He said as he went back to rubbing my back gingerly.

"Am I though?" I questioned as I pulled away from him only just enough to look at his face. "I mean he's already killed Elena once, he killed you, so what says I'm not the next one on his hit list. Even if it's not on purpose, it still could happen."

Tyler pulled me back to him and held me. "You know that I would never let that happen to you. Ever. So, don't you worry that shy little head of yours about it. Nothing will happen to you as long as you got me around. That's a guarantee."

I giggled softly and leaned into him once more. "Oh, so we're guaranteeing things now. Okay." I said with a smile.

"When it comes to my girl's safety, I will always guarantee it's possible when I'm with her. Like do you not know me at all?" he said as he looked down at me playfully offended. "even if she likes to hog all the covers and snores."

I gasped. "I don't snore. Take it back."

Tyler shook his head. "No because you totally do snore. It wakes me up."

I turned my head away from him. "I think you're hearing yourself snore so loud that you startle yourself awake."

I heard him behind me let out a small chuckle. "Oh, is that so?"

Nodding, I said. "Yes. Yes, it is."

Before I knew what was happening Tyler leaned us both backwards onto the bed and then climbed over me and yes looked down at me with a wicked like grin. "What are you thinking?" I questioned him. He didn't say anything, just shook his head and then waited another moment before tickling me. "Tyler... please... stop..."

"I'm sorry what was that?" he questioned as he continued his tickle fest he was having at my expense.

"S-stop... p-please." I begged as I squirmed in his grasp. After a minute or two of begging my childish boyfriend to stop tickling me, he finally gave in and stopped but yet still hovered over me, smiling.

Before saying anything, he leaned down slightly and pressed a gentle kiss upon my lips. When he pulled away and smiled once more. "I love you."

I smiled back at him and cupped his face in my hands, pulling him back down for another kiss. "I love you."

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