Reunited - Elijah Mikaelson

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She was thinking irrationally. (Y/N) was willing to give herself up to the man who took Elena just to save her. How Elijah knew anything about her, I will never know, but I wasn't about to let her go anywhere near him. It wasn't about to happen on my watch.

"You can't control me, Damon! I am capable of making my own decisions." She yelled from her car.

"But just giving yourself up isn't rational! I won't let it happen!"

(Y/N) groaned. "He isn't going to do anything to me."

"How are you so sure of that?" I questioned.

She sighed. "I just am. I've got this, Damon. I'll be fine. For once, in all the time we've known each other just trust me, will you? Please."

It upset me that she didn't think I trusted her. She was the only one I would truly trust with my life. I just didn't want to lose my best friend to that man.

I sighed. "Promise me that you'll come back in one piece?"

(Y/N/N) nodded. "I'll come back better than ever. I promise. Just let me do this. It's for Elena."

Sighing again, I nodded. "Okay. Go get Stefan his girl back."

She shot me a quick smile. "Thank you." (Y/N) said. And just like that, she was gone.


(Y/N)'s POV

'Why'd he have to bring here to the middle of nowhere?' I questioned myself. I've been driving for hours and have yet to see any sign of him or Elena. When I finally got to the address he sent me, there was a huge abandoned mansion in front of me. 'Nothing says Mikaelson more than a creepy mansion, I swear.'

Rose was standing outside, no doubt waiting on me, when I pulled in. "Hello, Lady (Y/N)." She greeted me as I got out of my car.

"Rose, I love you, but no one has called me Lady (Y/N) in years. I'm going to be quite honest with you, I don't miss it." I said with a smile and hugged her. Afterwards, I looked around the property. "Where's Trevor?" I questioned.

Her expression instantly changed. "He angered Elijah and well..."

I sighed. "That boy never truly learned."

"You were the only one he mostly listened to and when you left he didn't really care to do as he was told. When we got a hold of the girl, he thought we were free." She explained.

"If I had only arrived sooner, you would have been. I'm sorry, Rose." I apologized. Trevor had been her only true companion for decades. He was truly the only person she had left.

"Don't apologize, (Y/N/N)." She told me as she took my hand gently in hers. "We both knew you were finally out there getting to live your own life. That was far more important than whatever happened."

I took a deep breath and nodded as I gave her hand a slight squeeze. "Is he here?"

Nodding herself, she said, "Been waiting for you all day."

She let go of my hand and I made my way inside the huge building. When I got inside, I saw Elena standing at the top of the staircase.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here? I told you not to come." She said.

"I'm not sorry for coming, Elena. I'm doing this for you. To be honest though, I'm doing it more for myself as well. But this meeting with him wasn't supposed to come at your expense. For that I apologize."

Just then, he made his way into our presence. "Hello, my dear. I'm glad to see you have finally made it."

I smiled at the sight of him in a nice suit. He was truly the one for all the nice things in life. "I told you I would come and just as you taught me, I tend to like keeping my word."

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