Porch Talk - Stefan Salvatore

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I sat on the porch steps of the Salvatore boarding house, the chilly evening air wrapping around me like a shroud. My thoughts were heavy with worry as I watched the sun dip below the horizon. The events of the past few days had taken a toll on me, and I needed someone I could confide in. The only person I knew could understand me the way I needed was my Uncle Stefan.

Stefan had always been there for me, a steady presence in my life despite the chaos that often surrounded us. Even during his many travels, Uncle Stef always made time for me when I needed him. He was more than just my uncle; he was a mentor, a friend, and a protector. I knew I could count on him no matter what. The man had a knack for making me feel sane when nobody else could. He was someone who had always made sure I felt safe when there was no one else around.

Just as the darkness of the night began to creep in, Stefan stepped out onto the porch, his expression filled with concern. "YNN, you've been quiet all day. Is something bothering you?"

I sighed and looked up at him, my eyes reflecting the turmoil within. "Stef, I... I don't know how to deal with all of this. It's like everything's falling apart."

Uncle Stefan sat down next to me, his presence offering a sense of comfort. "You don't have to go through it alone, whatever it is. You know I'm here for you."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to find the words to express my fears. "It's just that... I feel like I'm drowning. Everything that has happened the past few days is eating me inside. Elena's a vampire because I couldn't keep Rebekah in one spot. My best friend is mad at me because I 'just let it happen' and trying to convince Care into believing anything else is a headache I've done tried to deal with a dozen or so times now. She's ignoring my phone calls now, by the way, so that's great." I paused for a moment to take a breath and looked back out onto the yard. "And so many other things not worth mentioning, aren't worth the worry, but yet still are pulling on my chains and weighing me down so I can't swim back up to the surface."

Stefan placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I understand how you feel. But you're strong, YN, just like your mother was. You can handle anything that comes your way."

I wiped away a tear and leaned into Stefan's comforting presence. "I'm just tired of it all. I want to push it all away and forget it all, move on, but I can't. I've tried so damn hard." I admitted as I looked back over at him. "Even though Elena says she isn't mad and doesn't blame me, the voices in the back of my head are singing me a different song. I know if I just give Caroline the time, she'll come around apologizing and telling me she was wrong to ever blame me just as she's done every other time but I'm overthinking everything and am starting to believe she's not wrong and it was me at fault for not getting there quicker."

Stefan pulled me into a comforting embrace, his words filled with love and reassurance. "Your mind has never been your best friend but if it will bring you a little closure and shut the voices down, I can tell you that I'm for certain that Elena isn't mad at you or Matt. She hasn't been a vampire long enough to control her emotions quite yet, so that isn't something you have to worry about." He said then placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head. "As for Caroline... She's just Caroline. There's no rhyme or reason to why she thinks the way she thinks. You did everything you could that night and no one... else is holding that against you."

I looked up at my uncle, his eyes filled with warmth and love. "Thanks, Uncle Stefan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Stefan smiled, his voice soft and unwavering. "It's what family for, YNN."

After having that conversation with Stefan, the voices died down, just as they always did after once of our heartfelt talks. It will always amaze me how he's able to do that, to calm my inner demons without much of a fight. I don't know what I would ever do if we lost the connection we have, and I don't want to think about it. I'm just glad I have him around when I need someone the most.

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