Chapter 89. Heather

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"Don't let up now!" Rheannah called out as Max and I both had wooden training swords that seemed to be locked together as the two of us were attempting a practice sword fight. "Keep pushing forward, don't let his pure strength overwhelm you. Just because he's much stronger than you doesn't mean you have to give in and admit defeat."

"Doesn't make it much easier either." I grumbled back as I let Max's strength assist in tossing me back and upward into the air so I could use a back flip to back off and gain some distance. "I admit it, I'm not a master of the sword like you two. But I can beat both of you in an archery contest any day."

Sheria had walked up to me where we were training, bringing me a bottle of water, "That's why we have to work together. I don't see you ever wielding a staff or healing people." She smiled as she handed me the bottle of water. She was safe now. No one was after her. Now if only I could make sure Jen was safe...

"That's something only you can do, Sheria. Thanks for all your hard work too. I know training isn't your favorite activity." Max told her as he put down his wooden training sword.

Sheria shook her head, "No, it's okay. I have to get stronger, I have to make sure I can fight well enough to make sure Heather isn't worried about me and has to protect me."

"Sheria, you don't have to fight if you aren't up to it. The rest of us are more than capable fighters and can protect you." I told her as I brushed my bangs away from my eyes. They had seemed to grow longer over the past few months.

"No, no! I want to be strong just like you. I'll do it. I can do it!" She insisted, "I may not be able to fight, but I will be strong!"

Rheannah nodded, taking a water bottle from Sheria as well, "Yes. You will be. No doubt about it. We need someone to heal injuries when Heather here tries to get too close to the front line. You may be pretty good, but any Merrywell worth their name can easily beat you."

I looked to Rheannah, "Oh, so pretty much you and Max?"

"There's more than just us. We were just getting to competition age. Who knows what the others on other families were like. I'm sure Max would've found out sooner or later." Rheannah shrugged.

"What about you?" Sheria asked, "Didn't you claim to be better than Max?"

Max agreed with her, shaking his head with a tinge of embarrassment, "Yeah, she can beat me as long as I don't start using my powers. I may be good, but she's better than me. But they wouldn't let her compete. The competitions were outside of the Caverns."

"So, why didn't you ever just get up and leave? I mean I would've done it. I walked right out of Isola."

Rheannah seemed upset by the question. She simply looked to her feet and took a moment to respond, "I don't know. I know I didn't want to make them hate mom...but maybe I was trying to get them to not hate me too."

"Don't worry, I've got plenty of people who hate me, like your whole family. And just look how well I'm doing." I smiled to her as I stretched and used the wooden sword to scratch my back, "I'm doing just fine now. Couldn't be better. They can hate me all they want but they're not going to make me some preppy pretty high-class 'ooooh my richy goody-two-shoes family wants me to look classy' kinda girl. I don't even like wearing dress robes. Bleck."

"That's where we're different I guess. I've never got to wear the fancy clothes but I always wanted to try. I guess I just wanted them to let me be one of them."

I shrugged, "But why be one of them when you could be yourself? Besides all that fancy clothes is heavy, I had to get my dress robes modified so I could fight in them."

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