Chapter 56. Heather

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"Heather...Heather wake up!"

"Sheria, it's too early for that..." I moaned back at Sheria's whisper-shout.

Sheria glanced around rapidly, "there's no time for this Heather, can you fight? We need to move now!"

I sat up, still bundled in multiple jackets and blankets, "why? What's going on?"

The Weird-o was throwing stuff rapidly and rather disorganized for that matter in his bag, "Because they know we're here. Dawnlight managed to hold them off for the most part but we have to get moving now."

"Who's they?" I asked as I shivered. I was still frozen cold.

"Does it really matter when they're out for your head?" Max asked while he finished packing his things.

I nodded, "yes, that way we know who our enemy is. It's best to know your opponent well."

"The better you know your enemy the better you can fare against him." Rheannah commented as she drew her sword, "I have a feeling a fight is unavoidable."

"We'll protect you if you can't fight," Max offered me.

I shook my head before grabbing my bow from Max. I handed him his watch back, "I can stand my own ground. Don't you worry about me." I start to pack up my stuff, but dropped to the floor. I was still cold. Frozen. There was honestly no way I could fight like this.

Let me help you, use my powers to warm yourself with the flames of eternity.

"Leave me alone you stupid amulet." I muttered in the forgotten language of the scriptures back to the amulet.

"You should listen to it," Max started to speak the forgotten language with me, "It knows you better."

"Nobody knows me better than I do."

Max shrugged, "it's a thing, not a person."

"Nothing knows me better than I do."

Dawnlight came rushing back into the room, "I can't hold them off any longer they're about to break the encryption I put around the area. If only Heather wasn't so weak she could put up a stronger one."

I stood back up and put my hands on my hips, "I'm not weak." I then realized I was still speaking scriptures.

"You're still speaking scriptures idiot." Max commented while he finished packing his things.

"Geeze, I hadn't noticed." I commented back.

Rheannah looked to the Weird-o, "what are they saying?"

"Arguing I think. Heather, Max, we don't the time for this now, We have to get moving. Heather can you fight or not?"

I rolled my eyes sardonically, "Hell yeah I can."

"Heaven," Max grumbled, "why do you always say hell to get out of speaking scriptures?"

"Why do you always say heaven pretty boy? Too good and too pretty for your looks to be a bad boy?"

"Heather there isn't time for this we need to go now!" The Weird-o checked everyone else. Everyone was done packing but me.

I quickly shoved my blankets in my bag and threw my school cloak back on, "I'm ready now let's get going." I grabbed my bow once again and strong an arrow of fire, "whoever it was that woke me will regret this. I didn't want to be woken up."

Sheria sighed, "I didn't want to wake you up."

"Not you, these idiots who think it's okay to attack at first light. Where are they?" I demanded as we started to run out of the cave to Issola as fast as we could. Not like it was going to be safer there anyway...

"I don't know but they're here!" Dawnlight shouted. And just as she shouted that we just so happened to be surrounded by sixteen ninjas.

Go figure, I know.

"So you are the people who woke me up from my beauty sleep." I stated aloud, "and just what do you want? Wait, never mind. I don't wanna know because you're not getting it."

"Give us the girl with the bow or else." A voice from behind the ninjas surrounding us demanded.

I just laughed, "Sorry. I don't think so." I stated as I shot an arrow on the foot of one of the ninjas, "Believe it or not, I'm too high maintenance and you're not worth even an hour of my time."

"Get her!" The voice commanded again. All the ninjas went to try to grab and ward of the others. So we decided to put up a fight.

The Weird-o and Max ran in right away, seemed as if they had some little bet. Dawnlight protected Sheria while she was using an earth spell to try to turn the frozen dirt ground to a mud pit. I was left back to back with Rheannah while the ninjas closed in on us.

"How do you want to play this?" I asked Rheannah, "you're the one with a sword; I'm rather useless at this range unless you want to get burned." I drew back a quiver of five flaming arrows.

Rheannah's voice was perhaps a bit sinister, however serious and magnificent, "I want to play this in the way that'll let me win."

"Then let's do it." I stated as I shot the ground in front of the ninjas, creating a big wall of flames, "now's your chance."

"Already on it!" Rheannah left my back and used her wind powers to magnify the flames whiles I shot more arrows to the ground. Rheannah was the one who ran into the thick of it and started swinging her sword around like no one I've ever seen before. It was graceful, elegant, and wicked at best. She had the strength and agility of a full-grown knight, and surely had the upmost full and proper training. Her skill were outstanding.

And here I was being the poorly timed hero. She was the real hero. She had the skill and training. I just knew how to manipulate situations that didn't seem to favor...well, anyone.

Soon I saw her start to get herself stuck in a tight spot, so I shot another five arrows at the ninjas by her. They hit perfectly while I lit my hands on fire, "alright, I think we've about won this fight." I took my bow and created a very large arrow out of the flames on my hands. I aimed straight up in the air, "Hey ninjas and idiots who want me!"

Everyone stopped the spar to look at me. I just lightly laughed before letting the most cockiest smirk ever spread across my face, "I'll give you a five second head start to run. Five, four, three, oh wait, I'm not that nice." I shot the arrow straight up in the air. And you know what they say, what goes up must come down. So the ninjas ran.

"She a freak!"

"She's so strong!"

"We'll never be able to take her."

"Who is she anyway?"

I dissipated the arrow that I shot up in the air and fell back to my knees, "still cold, still cold."

Max was the first to run up to me, "You okay Heath? Did they get you at all?"

"Freezing. I'm freezing. Other than that, you can thank your sister for protecting me while you ran off in the midst of everything. Status report everyone."

"I'm alright, just some minor scrapes and bruises." The Weird-o stated.

Dawnlight shrugged, "tired, other than that pretty fine."

"Perfectly fine. Not a scratch here!" Sheria beamed.

"Not that bad off. I'll live." Rheannah commented.

Max looked himself over quickly, "I'm fine, worry about yourself more than the rest of us."

I sighed as I stood up once again, "alright, let's head to Issola. It has to be at least a little warmer there."

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