Chapter 61. Heather

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"This is it, right here." I pointed to a large door that was ahead of us, "the record halls."

"Think this'll have what we need?" Max asked me as we reached the doors. I quickly broke the magic seals on them so we could enter.

I nodded, "oh yeah. It'll give us the lead. It's not only defeating Jen. It's changing her back to who she was before. The moonlight spring water Rheannah used on Zena seemed to work, however it may not be the case with Jen and Frank since the darkness has had time to grow in them. That's like a disease. The longer it has time to fester and take control, the more control it has and more damage it can do. It's terrible. It makes me sick. Why would someone want to turn people into such sick beings? Do we really hate each other that much? Just how can one person have that much hate inside of them?"

Max shrugged, "I don't know. I know I don't ever want to wish something so terrible on anyone." I noticed the way his eyes coated over when he said this. He was thinking of his father. His father didn't treat him well either. I guess we were all unfortunate in the end, no matter where we came from.

"I don't know why they want them to turn against me. I don't know anything that people could hate me for, anyway. I know I'm strong, I know I fought in that battle...but it wasn't my decision. I did what I had to do to protect Sheria. I've had to protect her for years since no one else ever did. It's my job..."

"What do you mean it's your job?"

"Remember how we were bonded...all those years ago...?"

Max nodded, "yeah, I remember."

I sighed to myself, "I took that arrow for Sheria. I protected her. All I wanted to do was protect her. She waited for me when she should've just went home...she keeps getting dragged into all of this. She's defenseless. After the incident, I begged and pleaded for her to get assigned protection or anything. Because of my strength, I could've lost her. I knew we were too close so I tried to get her protection so I didn't have to worry about her being near me and getting hurt. Then I had to fight and I only asked for her protection. Instead of protecting her, they stuck Dawnlight on her and were training her. They thought she was going to be strong like me. She's not me. I don't even know why I'm this strong. I don't know why I'm different, I just am. I'm no one special at all. I'm just a Mellissa. Just an ordinary Mellissa that has nothing special about her."

"You're not ordinary. If you were, would we be here now?" Max asked me as we reached the back wall of the record room, "I've asked myself the same question several times. Why was I bonded to you, not Rheannah? Rheannah has always been the stronger one of us two."

"Just why me? Why was I the gifted one? Why did our lords choose us?"

Max gave me a slight smile, "I don't know, but I know they know why and they have their true intentions. So I trust them. If they wanted us to meet, then it must be a good thing, right? It's fate. I guess our fate is intertwined."

"It's my destiny, to be stuck in all of this, huh? I always seem to get stuck in stuff like this and I don't know why."

Max laughed at me, "then just accept it. Here, I think these are the records, right?

I nodded, "behind this case. You'll have to give me a few minutes to break the seal on the book cases so we can enter the scripture room, but then we can gather them and go. I bet they'll need backup up there."

"Rheannah can hold off for a few more minutes. She's strong. I bet she already has almost one."

"Sounds like her. She's great to be with in battle. I'm glad to be fighting alongside her." I smiled

"You made a good choice on your team. We work well together, even if we don't always get along."

"You got that right," I laughed back, "but we do always seem to be able to pull together to win the fights."

It didn't take me long to open the case to the back record room. We walked in as the case shut behind us.

"Dammit." I cursed, "we walked into a trap."

"What do you mean?" Max asked me, "those are the records right?"

I nodded, "yup, they are. But now we're trapped in here as well." I sat down on the floor, "ugh how was I so stupid to miss that? I knew that it was a trap! I knew it I knew it I knew it! I was told about the door! Ugh!"

"It's alright, there has to be a way outta here. How else are the elders supposed to read the records?"

"They're not. That's the thing Max. No one is supposed to know the knowledge. It's for protection..." I had my back to the back of the case, "we're stuck here now until someone opens the door from the outside. Like that's ever going to happen. No one goes in here for that reason! No one will know to look back here for us. No one will hear us scream. Some gifted kids we are. We just willingly walked into a trap. A trap!"

"Hey, hey, calm down now," Max sat next to me now, "Heath, we've got the scriptures. We should at least read them to find out the truth. Perhaps they have a secret to a way out. It's just written in the scripture language so no one who doesn't know the scriptures can steal them."

"I know, I know. You're right. I just can't believe I forgot about that..."

"You can't be expected to remember everything on your own. That's what we're here for. We're here to help you. Why else would we be here?"

I shrugged as I felt tears in my eyes begin to pool, "I-I don't know."

"Then let's start reading! There's gotta be something interesting here."

I nodded and spoke in the scripture language, "If you say so."

Max gave me a lighthearted smile and spoke the language back, "Then we better start, huh?"

We soon began to dwell in the scripture world, sharing and reading what was left there. I soon realized why this room was off limits. These scriptures were brutal. They were only fragments, pages at the most of them however. They didn't flow together. Parts were missing, probably for the best.

"So there's a sacrifice out there. The final one. And he or she is going to make the world right again. Then he or she is going to be the real hero. I'd sure like to meet him or her." I smiled while I rested my head on Max's leg. We had to have been there at least a few hours now.

"I wonder who gets the honor of being bonded to a sacrifice. I mean, I know a sacrifice only has a few years to live, but together they work together to make the world right, to bring peace and hope to the world."

"I wish I knew, I wish I could thank both of them and wish them luck..." I yawned, still weak from before.

Max even noticed, "perhaps we should get some rest."

"Not like we have anything better to do." I put the scriptures in my bag before I asked Max a final question, "You think we made a difference in the world?"

"I think we did, and we will. Someone will find us down here, I'm sure of it. For now, we just need to save our strength."

"As long as you're sure of it," I gave a smile before I began to doze off for a nap.

Heather's Adventures: The Search for MaxamusWhere stories live. Discover now