Chapter 30. Heather

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"Focus on your breathing, breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in—"

"Breathe out." Max finished for the Weird-o, "this isn't working I can't hear anything."

Dawnlight scorned him, "then you're not listening hard enough nor are you focused enough."

"Hey Heather's got something look!" Sheria pointed to me as my eyes narrowed. I focused on the small fireball I was creating in my hands.

What's the one thing you want the most Heather?

"To protect the innocent."

Now what does your fate and destiny say? The fire asked me.

"I must vanquish the light and darkness and rebalance the world." I answered to the fire; however, I didn't say it aloud. It was my head and heart having a conversation with themselves.

Good, you're learning. Now how long do you want to rebalance the forces of light and darkness so they're equal for? One year, two years?

"For eternity." I spoke.

Good, and what am I?


You already know everything you need to know. Just watch the dancing flames in your eyes to know your true intentions. Your eyes switch to easily from their lavender to the fire. You must learn to balance and control this otherwise you'll be giving a dead giveaway when you are preparing for something.


I unfocused myself and realized everyone was staring at me. "What?" I asked as I stood up from where I sat and stretched.

"So, what's your heart's power?" Weird-o asked, "did you learn it?"

"Yeah, Eternal Flames. From the fire that burns for eternity. Any other questions you want to pester me with?" I shrugged and walked to the front of the cave and watched the rain. I sat there playing with a fireball while Max focused on his. My 'fate and destiny' was brought up again. Was I really a sacrifice that was going to die at the age of sixteen? Was I really going to rebalance the powers in the world? How could I do any of this anyway? I'm just a kid after all. I can do many amazing things; I just can't shift the entire world into change. I can't do that. I'm not that strong, right?

"And Max, what about yours?"

"It's Heart of Ice. Using all the ice frozen on the bitter lonely hearts of the weak and strong to help create passionate hearts to protect those in need." Max had the same mellow tone as he walked over and sat next to me. We just watched the rain pour down without remorse.

"You think a kid my age could change the world for the better?" I sighed lightly.

Max nodded, "it was as if you read my mind. Yeah, I believe it. Can you believe I'm supposed to protect the one who's supposed to change the world? How can I protect someone when I always have to have Rheannah or someone watching out for me. It doesn't make any sense how I can protect someone if I can't even protect myself." This kid was supposed to protect me. This kid was supposed to protect me. This kid right here who I just saved his life, he was supposed to protect me.

If this is what 'You owe me a life now since I've saved yours' actually stands for, I think I'm gonna start to be very particular about which lives I save from now on.

"This rain is pestering me. Why can't it just be sunny and warm for once?" I grumbled in a low tone, "it's bringing down my mood."

"We can't change everything in this world; we can only do so much to cause a change. Maybe someone needs the rain right now. We don't, but someone else really does. Maybe it helps them. It'll help us too someday. Trust me."

Heather's Adventures: The Search for MaxamusWhere stories live. Discover now