Chapter 34. Sheria

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The next morning we were all ready to go home, even Heather who still was bound for more adventure. We were quick to clean up the small wooden cottage and collect our bags. It was definitely time for this adventure that Heather started to end. We were all worn out from the wild chase she sent us all on and now we were all tired out from the wild flee from whoever it was that was after us. It didn't really matter who was after us at this moment anyway. They probably just mistaken us for someone else they were looking for. We didn't do anything wrong.

"Goodbye real world, hello back to the boring 'pre' real world." Heather sighed as we were on our way back to the portals. We were walking through the woods again. On the other side of these huge woods was the coastal city of who knows what, and in that city were the portals that we needed to get back to home. Never have I before ever wanted to go home this much.

"At least we get more sleep in the boring 'pre' world," Rheannah yawned and stretched, "and it's a lot less walking and work."

Josh commented, "the exercise is good training for you four, and a good punishment for Heather for running away."

"I did not run away. I was searching for something. I went on a treasure hunt. I don't need punishment." Heather crossed her arms before she stopped dead in her tracks, "did you guys hear that?"

Everyone stopped and was silent. I heard what she heard; only it was not what Heather thought it was, "it's just a bear. I can feel it. The bear just wants his berries. He's not coming to harm us. If he was I'd just talk him out of it. There isn't a problem at all."

"Let's get moving before we encounter any real trouble," Rheannah's hand slid down to her sword at her waist, Max's went to his watch. They were true swordsmen indeed. In even the slightest suspicion of trouble, they were quick to go to the defense without even a warning. They were true protectors, true knights just without the shining armor. It was a shame; I bet they'd look good in it. Only it's hard to move in Heather told me...

"How much longer until we get there?" I asked Dawnlight, hoping for an answer and not to sound much like the 'are we there yet' kind of kid.

"A few hours I'd say, not that much longer now. The forest is waning. We already traveled through the thickest part of it so it only gets easier from here."

Heather looked up to the sky, "can't wait to see the sun again."

"Soon Heather, Soon," I smiled back to her as we continued on without a single problem. It was the first time in the trip we actually got to our destination without a problem, hitch, or unexpected circumstances getting in the way of reaching it in time. We entered the city fine and even got to the portals fine. It wasn't until we were facing all the portals in the dark room before everything turned for the worse.

"Why does it say the Issola portal is closed even though it's open? And why is it black not clear and see-through to the other side like the rest?" Heather questioned Josh.

He shook his head, "I have no idea but the charts here say it's working fine. I'll just over ride it and let us in. Can't be any harm in that. They might just have it closed while we were gone in protection." And that's what he did. He over road it. Everything on the other side looked perfectly fine.

"Ready?" Dawnlight asked as we all followed with enthusiastic nods, "alright then, let's go home."

"Let's go home," I smiled to Heather. She nodded and smiled as the six of us entered the portal to finally return back home after all of our adventures.

Part III / Carry Me When I Fall / End  

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