Chapter 67. Rheannah

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Heather and I were interlocked in combat with wooden rods. I wasn't allowed to use my sword nor could she use her bow. We stood on a platform a few feet off the ground, the rules being whoever fell off the platform loses. Seemed simple, fair enough.

Until I forgot Heather also was being trained on how to fly since she was an idiot when it came to using a curse. Soon we left the platform and took the fight to the skies. As long as one of us hit the ground first, nothing else mattered.

"You're a pain to fight you know that? I can't even use my own advantage!" I shouted as I created a wind current around her to remove the oxygen. Instead she just closed her wings and fell down out of it so she could shake her head at me.

"You almost got me. No oxygen, no flames. But I think I have enough oxygen left in me for a little fun." So she used her flames to push her into the air. Not the curse. Her flames.

Sometimes I wondered if she actually was an intelligent person after all...

I tried to hurl a tornado at her, only for her to throw some flames in it to create the biggest smoke screen ever. I couldn't see to the other side, I just sat in midair floating.

Until she came at me.

She projected herself at me, hurling everything she could at me. Her wooden rod was on fire. I had no choice was to block it and throw her off above me.

She took that as a surprise and took at moment to balance herself out as she came back down on me. I had no choice but to dodge out of the way since gravity was not on her side. She'd just keep falling, she couldn't save herself.

But she did. She blasted herself right to me and tackled me. We both hit the ground at the same time and rolled on the grass until the momentum stopped us.

"Cruel person. You made us both loose." I told her as we sat up and dusted ourselves off.

Heather unlit her wooden rod and threw it over her shoulders, "I'd rather engage in a sword fight with my bow anyway. I can use it like a sword."

"Yeah but what happens if Thalia wants her bow back?"

"It's supposed to be a cross-bow and detach like double daggers. That's what Thalia's bow was. But this is just a normal bow. I think this was a like a reject of the real one. Or someone locked back its abilities."

The weird-o walked up to us, "that's not in the rules hurling your powers everywhere."

We ignored him, "how would abilities be locked?"

"Powers can be locked or held back. Happens a lot more than you think. They probably locked this artifact since it is supposed to be powerful. But only someone with a large amount of power would be able to lock it. I can only lock away smaller objects, nothing major. Even then sometimes I have to dabble into the power in my amulet. And then I have to wait for it to recharge." Heather shook her head, "I'm sure I can unlock it later after I train a bit. Just gonna take a few years..." With her last words she trailed off a bit awkwardly.

I gave her a look, "Something wrong?"

"No. Just thinking. After we save Jen where are we gonna be in a couple years? UWT training. What will they be teaching us? Who knows. Probably how do exactly what we're doing right now. I want to be an adventurer like I'm doing right now. They're just gonna train us on what we're doing right now." She seemed a bit more distracted; however, she kept it covered up pretty well.

"That is true. I kinda like this gig we have here. Get to go out and see the world. Maybe fight something here and there. Actually fight people with some skill. Go on adventures."

"I don't see why we have to go back and train more if we've already been out here actually getting experience instead of sitting behind a desk all day." Heather stated. "But some people here think just listening to people blab on all day are important."

The Weird-o just gave Heather a glare, "You can't learn everything by just looking at it. Sometimes you have to actually go and learn about it."

"Eh but that's boring. See here we're learning how to deal with each other's powers if that's what a battle comes down to. It's an important skill and you can't learn how to do that behind a desk now can you?"

"I personally like fighting against Heather. Her swordsmanship skills are a lot different than I'm used to. Her spontaneous ability gives me something to learn from and predict how to counter better. I didn't think someone would make half of her moves. But now I know how to counter if someone does." I turned away, "anyway what's Max up to now? I'd love to have a good spar against him on this platform."

The Weird-o answered, "He went with Sheria to the store to pick up some supplies for dinner tonight, although they have been gone for quite a long time. Wonder what's keeping them."

"They should've been back an hour ago. That shop isn't far from this abandoned castle." We were staying in that abandoned castle in Liandria. It wasn't that large, it just had a large courtyard surrounding the castle with a wall. The defenses were great except no one really wanted to invade the castle. It was old and abandoned. Heather was the one questioning this, "that's it I'm going to go see what's holding them up. You coming with Rheannah?"

I nodded, "Yeah, let me grab my sword." I walked over to the bench with the pile of our stuff and grabbed my sword in its case and threw Heather her bow.

"Thanks," Heather responded. She noticed I was pulling black leather gloves from my sword case, "What are those for?"

"Keeping my hands clean. Also for getting a better grip on my sword handle." I pulled out my sword, clipping the case to my belt on my pants. My silverish tinted blue sword shined with the sunlight, "Gonna have to clean and sharpen it again after training. But eh, it'll do."

Heather commented on my sword, "You've got a nice blade there. I can feel the power radiating off of it. It's a strong sword that's charged. I can't identify that power though."

"No one can. No one's seen it, or that's what it seems like."

"Eh, maybe we'll be able to identify it later. Can find that after we save Jen." Heather reasoned, "You never know."

"Works for me. Now let's go find Max. Hopefully he didn't get too distracted."

She nodded, "Sheria can be distracted very easily too. Let's hope she's not holding them up." Then the two of us headed out towards the town to see what was going on there.

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