Chapter 14. Heather

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"Max, do you remember me?" I asked the moon as I finally was soaring high in the sky on my hover board. From this distance I probably looked like a large bird rather than a person flying on a magical floating metal surfboard that was the size of a body-toboggan board.

I was running to him. I didn't even knew if he remembered me. I just knew I had to go find him.

At night, I found comfort in forests. I didn't really have much choice. I had to make sure I wasn't scene by the wrong people. I needed to do some research on this Max. He has a sword, a sister named Rheannah, and his main power was water. Dawnlight told me there was a small village in the mountains of Montana that housed lots of people with water mains. That was a good enough place to start. It was called the Moonlight Caverns or something like that. I just knew I had to get there before someone caught me.

It was only after about a week of traveling that I had arrived in some mid-western town. I had fallen asleep in a tree in some woods just as sun was rising. It was better to sleep during the day and travel during night. At night I could slip out and get away without being seen easier.

Everything was foolproof.

Was foolproof that is.

I didn't expect a girl to come walking through the woods with her brother and notice me. She scared me with her words that I fell out of the tree and onto the ground, backpack and all. She called her father, a doctor, out to check on me. I don't know who was more embarrassed, me falling out of the tree and I was perfectly fine or her, the one who shouted and awoken me from my sleep and made me fall.

"Hi there, what is your name?" Her father asked as he brought his kit out to me. He approached me slowly and calmly, he was used to dealing with kids for sure.

"H-heather" I responded unconfidently. This was one of the first times I spoke since that first night. I didn't know how my voice sounded. All I knew was I was in trouble.

"Hello Heather, I'm Lewis. Are you alright? Are you hurt in any way?"

I shook my head, "N-no, I'm fine. She just...startled me."

"I'm sure Anna didn't mean any harm, she was just enjoying a nice day off of school today and found you. It's common for her to care about people."

"I-I should be going now." I stated incompetently as I was trying to get to my feet. As I use my left arm to help me up, I noticed the throbbing pain it was emitting.

"Hold on, let's get you back inside so we can bandage you up. Your poor arm must be giving you a lot of pain. It's swollen at the least."

I held my arm up against my chest to nurse it as the man and his daughter carried my bag back to their house. The girl made me a sandwich while the man bandaged my arm, "It's not broken," He spoke with a caring smile, "It's just your wrist is sprained from the fall. You'll need to rest it for a while."

"Thank you," I responded to his kindness, "I should be leaving now."

"Not with that wrist. You'll need to rest it for three days. Let me take you home to your parents."

"NO!" I shouted as a response rather too quickly. After the initial alarm, I responded to my initial response by repeating in a quieter voice, "No, I-I can't."

Anna's father gave me a look, "why not?"

"I ran away." I stated in a small voice.

Anna smiled, "you could stay with us for a while until your arm heals. You could be my sister."

"What are you running from?" Her father asked.

I shook my head, "They wanted me to fight..." I pointed to my bow on the table next to me, "It's a special bow. They want me to fight to protect my home so I left. I didn't wanna fight anymore."

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