Chapter 83. Sheria

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I wish I could say we were just playing a boring waiting game.

But we weren't.

More of those evil bad guys found us.

And we were running again.

"This is just crazy! Where are they coming from and how did they find us?!" Rheannah shouted as she raised her sword in the air to deflect an incoming dagger that was thrown in our direction.

"Does anyone have a tracking seal on them?" Josh shouted as he took out his own dagger and began checking his own equipment. Dawnlight was quick to do the same before she checked over my equipment.

Rheannah even checked over her sword, "No, so how are they finding us?"

"It's Heather's bow!" Rheannah ended up pointing at the bow I was holding, "Look! It's beginning to glow!"

"Seriously Heather now is not the time to try to practice your summoning arts!" Josh shouted, "Alright we're going to have to lose these guys before we can do anything about it." We were able to get a good night's rest for the last two days, so I guess this made up for that. Two days of waiting, then to be chased.

"We're going to have to fight them, we can't keep running forever!" Rheannah shouted.

"Well maybe if you were better with your powers you could throw them off our trail!" Dawnlight retorted, "You had all day yesterday to practice!"

"It's not like she was going to get from a beginner level to an advanced level of power wielding in one day! She's not the Bishop girl!" Josh yelled back at his sister.

Rheannah turned to us, "Who?!"

"Brooke Bishop, she's a wind mage that had a lot of power like Heather that was at ITBA. She tried to pick a fight with Heather a little while back and was publicly humiliated because Heather didn't even look like she was trying to win the battle. She lost by so much we thought she was so embarrassed that she transferred. But she came back in a few days. But now that you mention it I haven't seen her recently..." I explained.

"Enough contemplating! We need a plan!" Josh shouted, "Heather's not going to stop attempting to summon her bow so we've gotta fight these guys!"

"How can we think of a plan if all we're doing is running away?!" Rheannah shouted back.

"If I change back into a bird now they'll just shoot me down with their power, I can't even get ahead of them." I spoke with my raspy breath between my panting. All of this running was tiring me out rather quickly.

"Josh, secure the girls. I'm going to use my inhibitors at max capacity." Dawnlight stated as she touched the large buttons on her hat, and the gems on her sleeves. She had to slow down a bit in her running to touch the ones on her boots, but quickly attempted to catch back up.

"Yeah, but what if that doesn't work Dawn? This isn't like anything we've all dealt with before!" Josh shouted in return.

"There's only two of us here that haven't participated in your capture the flag competition, you two have, you have to make the call!" I insisted, "We never were out here like this before!"

Josh shook his head, "Neither of us ever called the shots in that thing, we weren't decided the leader of our team. Heather was the leader of hers that's why she typically called the shots around here in these kinds of situations--"

"Heather's not here right now, leave a message after the tone and we'll get back to you--IF we ever get out of here alive!" Rheannah spat back, "You'e got to either make a decision now or we're all going to be gonners. And if you don't I'm going to turn and start fighting these guys!"

"Rheannah, focus your powers and put up a wall of wind as soon as we pass that rock. As soon as that wall goes up, Sheria transform into something to stay on her shoulder. You're entirely too tired to keep pace. Joshua, create a tremor within the earth behind the wall. I'll be focusing to create a divide." Dawnlight commanded as we all turned to her.


"Do you want to live or not? Do as I say. I need to concentrate on some incantations for my part in all of this." Dawnlight stated as she closed her eyes and began mumbling some words in the scripture language. She had her fingers intertwined in front of her, her hair beginning to glow a more golden color.

"Get ready Rheannah!" I shouted as I took a look back and barely ducked in time to miss a flying dagger.

"Wall of wind...wall of wind...I can do this, I can really do this." Rheannah mused while beginning to trail her sword in the dirt until we reached the spot the wall was supposed to arise. She then lifted her sword out of the dirt and leapt backwards into the air, raising her hands up as a wall of wind began to rise as well. I quickly threw my rod at Josh before transforming into a bird and landing on Rheannah's shoulder. Josh began to make the earth tremble, and Dawnlight finally finished her incantation. She waited for all of us to run past her before she turned around and slammed her foot into the ground, a large canyon began to open as mountains arose on the side of the canyon we were on to block the shots.

Rheannah's jaw dropped, "I had no idea you could do that..." She stated in awe as she fell back down to the ground, returning shakily to her feet.

"Issola Thalian Base Academy, or as we like to call it, Issola Thalian Battle Academy." Dawnlight stated as she stood back up straighter and dusted her hands off, "Haven't had the opportunity to do that in a while."

"I've never seen you do that before! Can I do that?" I asked Dawnlight.

She nodded, "If you train hard enough I bet you can." She responded as she shook her head, "Status everyone? And quickly, we'll needn't sit here all day, they're going to break through that wall."

"I'm alright." Rheannah said as she took the time to catch her breath and put her sword away momentarily.

"I'm okay, tired, but okay." I told her.

Josh nodded, "I haven't seen you do that either before, and I'll be alright. Let's keep moving everyone. Dawnlight's right it's only a matter of time before they break through that wall." The four of us began to run off, a little slower this time to get as much distance as we could.

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