Chapter 49. Heather

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"Alright you two, you're going to see Nellie, we're gonna sort through some records to see if we can find anyone who can claim guardianship of you two." The Weird-o told us.

"Our parents aren't dead." I crossed my arms and told him rudely.

He nodded, "we have to act if so otherwise they'll make us stay for the reconstruction. It's far too dangerous to keep you there right now and you know that. We must continue your training."

"So I can take out Jen and Frank." I interjected.

"No, so you can be trained properly to enter the UWO's elite academy. I promised Nellie I'd train all of you. I'm not letting you go chase whatever you think is right off on your own."

I shook my head, "I'm going to get Jen and Frank whether you like it or not so you better learn to like it. Fast."

"Heather, you know that isn't good for you." Dawnlight responded to me.

I shook my head again and turned my crossed arms into fists at my side, "no, no. It's not good for me at all. I know what's good for me. And that isn't it." I turned around, "Let's go Max. Nellie's waiting for us." I ran my hand up and down the strap to my bag anxiously while keeping my gaze on my bow which was placed just under the cover of the messenger bag. I didn't want to go train more, I've trained enough. I've only ever trained. I've never been able to do anything with this training. It feels kind of useless.

Max followed me along while we walked through the main lobby of the Universe Watch Tower. The tower itself was a huge building. Many people hurried along in their everyday lives too busy to notice two kids walking in.

"So, what do you think of this place?" Max asked me while I looked around inside the building. High ceilings just in the lobby, crazy custom chandeliers, flooring, silver and platinum walls, it was elegant with a hint of a futuristic movie setting. The lamps and lights looked fancy, so did the windows. Everything was fancy, let's face it.

"And he wants me to train for these guys?"

"Nellie is up at the top floor, shouldn't we be going?" Max asked my distracted self.

I snapped out of it, "yes, I'd like to get out of here quickly. Too much going on here."

"Can I help you two children?" A very grumpy woman who worked here asked us. She startled me.

I snapped back, "yeah, you can help me by getting out of my way. I've got places to be right now and you're in my way, preventing me from getting there."

Max sighed, "she means we're here to see Nellie because she called for us."

"Nellie didn't call for you two you're just some measly kids."

"Ha. Just some measly kids." I spat before she touched her heart amulet. It began to glow, "do just some measly kids have Thalia's protection and power? Can just some measly kids do this?!" I focused my hands on my amulet as the ruby red power from the amulet started to circle around me before I turned it into my own fire powers. Max took a step back in fear while I focused on my power. People stood back in the lobby in fear of me, "yeah, just some measly kids alright."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Stop this at once! You're causing a scene!"

"Good, I was hoping to be seen," I remarked as I quickly drew the power back into the amulet, "you get one thing straight." I spat up in her face, "I'll never, ever be just a measly kid. Ever."

The woman nodded, "alright, I get it, but the only people scheduled to see Nellie all day are a Maxamus Merrywell and a Heather Mellissa, both which will probably be escorted by a superior."

"Let me get this straight, you don't think I'd walk in here by myself, you think I need someone superior?" I growled, "I'm Heather Mellissa. I fought your war for you to protect Issola from the first attack and this is how you thank me, by not even knowing my name or face? He's the heir to the Merrywell household and you don't even know his face? You work in the UWT yet you don't seem to know much about the universe, do you now?"

A young girl who also was dressed to work for the UWT came over now, "Is something amiss here? I heard there was a large commotion in the lobby so I came to check it out." The girl had white blonde hair and sky light blue eyes matching her overly pale skin that seemed to sparkle. Her shoes didn't match the rest of her outfit.

"Hey, you're Flora, Nellie's daughter, aren't you?" Max asked her.

She nodded, "Maxamus, you've grown ever so much since I last saw you, how've you been as of late? And how fares your sister?"

Max gave her a smile, "I've been alright, a lot has happened lately, but I've been fine. I haven't been hurt seriously and we haven't managed to lose a fight badly yet."

I sighed, "we didn't lose that fight back there, we just ran from it for the time being. We'll continue it at a later time." I stated.

"Rheannah's been fine too; she's become an excellent swordsman."

"Good, good." Flora smiled, "is there a problem here? I do believe this is Maxamus Merrywell, and if this is him, then this girl with him sure is Miss Heather Mellissa. I'm sure of it. She has the amulet of Thalia after all, and her bow.

"I will escort them to your mother right away, Miss Flora."

Flora shook her head lightly, "Oh no no, let me take care of it, let it be my pleasure. After all, they are honored guests of my mother. Miss Heather, Maxamus, follow me if you would," She gave us a smile before leading us away from the grumpy woman to an elevator in the back, "sorry if she caused you a bit of trouble, she really doesn't like young children in the lobby. Last week a few seven-year-olds broke a valuable vase and she didn't take it lightly. Rest assure you she means no harm, she just doesn't want anything else broken."

We entered the elevator with the glass wall to overlook the city. I rested my arms on the handle bar while watching the lights in the city, looking out as the sun began to set.

"I would only assume as much," Max smiled back at her, "she just startled Heather though."

"Huh?" I turned around from where I was watching, tuning everything out.

Flora questioned me, "is everything alright Miss Heather?"

"It's just Heather, and yeah, just enjoying this view, that's all."

"First time away from home, right? You've been away for a few days and you're starting to ponder everything. I understand it. It was the same way when I went out for some training exercises." Flora was very understanding almost to the point in being overly nice. Crazy.

"You think she's mad at me?" I asked Max.

He shook his head, "you're fine. You never did anything wrong. You didn't hurt anyone at all."

I answered back quickly, "I hurt my reputation."

"Nah, you'll be fine, after all we're both right here right now so it's not just one of our fault if anything, it's both of our faults." Max gave me a light smile as I turned to face the window again.

I just hope he was right.

Heather's Adventures: The Search for MaxamusWhere stories live. Discover now